Saturday, October 29, 2005

Issue 19: Sox Win: Who Cares? I don't.

News- Last Wednesday, as i went to the restroom, my mother told me to watch the rest of the World Series game with her. It was the bottom of the ninth, 2 outs. The score was 1-0. The Sox won. The next day, I returned to school to find the entire school buzzing about the game. If I had a cent for every time I was asked "Are You a Sox Fan or Cubs Fan?" in the last few days, and replying "Neither. All Sports suck," then I could possibly give the Ikea guy a run gor his money (no pun intended) on his title of World's richest man. I cannot end this article without a mention of Steve Bartman, the man who caught a foul ball that cost the Cubs the World Series 2 years ago. He has recieved Death threats and hasn't left his house since, except for a reunion: At my high school. So he caught the ball. GROW UP, PEOPLE!! Can we please get on to more important matters? I would like to think we could, but it seems we cannot.
Next time on Honorificabilitudinitatibus Be S-Y-What?: I write about separation of church and state.

Film Review: My Dinneer With Andre. In this film, Andre Gregory and Wallace Shawn talk over dinner about recent happenings in their lives and society in general. Typical Art house fare: Thumbs up.

Film idea: More skits for the sketch show mentioned in issue 11.
* An episode about the making of another episode of the show, showing the cast and crew being inspired by events.
* A fake social guidance film called "So, You want to join the local Cargo Cult."
*Clean TV: people warn about the dangers of any kind of non-marital, non-missionary sex and wind up killing other people.
* A cop dresses like a Whore, and tries to ger a man to talk about paying for sex. The man is speaking only Vionestor (A language combining Nadsat, LAtin, English, and a baritone Cockney Accent, complete with frequent glottal stops.)
*The four Horsemen of the Apocalypse appear on a street, and nobody cares.
*An interviewer who interviews celebrities in a bizarre manner with frequent Freudian Slips, inappropriate bursts of laughter, and asking bizarre questions.

Quote of the Day: The funniest joke in the English language translated into German:
Wenn ist das Nunstruck git und Slotermeyer? Ja!... Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput.
The Funniest joke in the German language translated into English:
Der ver zwei peanuts, valking down der strasse, and von vas... assaulted! peanut. Ho-ho-ho-ho.
From Monty Python's Flying Circus, episode 1. Personally I prefer the latter.

Link of the Day-
A MST3K style Version of Dark Dungeons, reviewed in the last issue.

Tract Review: The Gay Blade- Another Anti-Gay Tract about Sodom and Gomorrah.

Gladys- Bob Williams unsuccessfully tries to convince a woman she is not a prophet. #17 in the Bible Series.

God With us- Bob successfilly helps 2 kids stop cursing. #18 in the Bible Series.

Going Home- Chick Teaches about the Aids pandemic. Surprisingly, he leaves the Catholics out of it.

Going to the Dogs- This tract, of course has nothing to do with dogs, but Ahab and Jezebel.

Gomez is coming- A hitman's brother is killed, and he comes out of prison. He is saved by being told about Jesus's persecution.

Good Ol' Boys- Bob Williams preaches about Masons and people who deny Christ. #22 in the Bible Series.

The Great Escape- No relation to the Steve McQueen film of the Same name. A suicidal man rants about the environment, and the man who rescued him also Saves him.

The Great one- A scholar's daughter tries to teach him about Christ. If I wrote this tract, I would reverse the roles.

The Greatest Story ever Told- Chick focuses on Jesus' Early life.

The Gun Slinger- A western hit man is set to massacre a church and converts. The marshal who hangs him Goes to Hell.

Happy Halloween- A boy is sacrificed to Satan on halloween. His Friend is saved by his sunday school teacher.

Happy Hour- A Booze Hound kills his wife and staggers into a church and suddenly accepts Christ.

He Never Told us- A man dies and goes to heaven. His friends are not there. He could have saved them by spreading Chick Tracts.

Here He Comes- The Finale to the Bible Series, Bob Williams talks about The Rapture.

Hi There- Some Construction workers talk about Atheism and act like idiots in the process. They also take Nietzsche out of context. THey Die and they preach IN HELL. Also, God has a face in this one!

The Hit- A vengeful wife waits 15 years to kill the mob boss who did her family in. He turns her on to Jesus.

The Holocaust- Was a Catholic inquisition against Jews, or at least that's what the tract says. A survivor is Saved.

Holy Joe- A soldier is ridiculed for being a christian, but he Saves his Sergeant.

How to Get Rich- A man's fortune is stolen, and he learns to take his fortunes to heaven.

Humbug- Chick retells Dickens' A Christmas Carol, with Scrooge being saved.

The Hunter- How Drug Workers work for Satan, except for the ones that supply the pot for Chick, so he can write tracts like these.

In The Beginning- Earthman with Bob Williams. #1 in The Bible Series.

It's Coming- Bob Williams talks about Noah's Ark. #2 in The Bible Series.

It's The Law- A student gets an F for writing about The Ten Commandments in School. Bob Williams eventually Saves Her. #7 in The Bible Series.

Is There Another Christ- Chick warns about False Prophets.

Ivan The Terrible- about a Russian Diplomat who learns that Communism, which is against Organised Religion, was created by the Vatican.

Next Time, I will talk about K-O.

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Thursday, October 20, 2005

Issue 18

News: Now that I got my enemy list out of the way, I would like to tell you about my "Friend list" of people that I wouldn't mind hanging out with.

David Byrne- He is the lead singer of the Talking Heads and confesses he has not a clue what he is doing.

Michael Moore- For all you critics who try pointing out details, listen to the big picture: THE RIGHT is not right.

Thomas Pynchon, James Joyce- Two famous writers who most likely never met each other, but both have written 800-page long incomprehensible books that I find to be cool.

J.D. Salinger- I have to get the Film Rights to The Catcher in the Rye somehow.

Woody Allen- His films are Truly Brilliant.

Hunter S. Thompson- Humourist who wrote Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and hated Nixon as much as I do Bush and his cronies.

John Stuart Mill- From his book On Liberty: The sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number, is self-protection. That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not sufficient warrant. He cannot rightfully be compelled to do or forbear because it will be better for him to do so, because it will make him happier, because, in the opinion of others, to do so would be wise, or even right... The only part of the conduct of anyone, for which he is amenable to society, is that which concerns others. In the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute. Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign. In other words, He believes that the law should not interfere with a person's freedom, unless when absolutely necessary (read: When harm to an innocent would be entailed.) So do I.

Close But No Cigar-
Dennis Miller- He frequently ranted about political matters that I could agree with, and I actually understood most of the references, but he turned pro-bush recently.

Film Idea- 3 short films about America.
Three films, all satires on America, although one is a 23-minute spoof of reality TV, while 2 45-minute shorts are based on obstensively true stories.
1. The Media: If it Drives, GO Live. A man is driving along the street, and obeying all the traffic laws. He stayed within the speed limit, and gave proper hand signals whenever he wanted to make a turn. Yet he still is being followed by a local all-news station.
2. Religion: Blossom. A dog digs up a neighbour's rabbit. Its owner gives it a wash-up and blow dry, and puts it back in its cage. The neighbours are shocked to discover their dead rabbit came back to life. The Husband forms a religion, which exists long enough to see a splinter group of people who constantly pray (read: get plastic surgery to look like Kip Dynamite but older, jog in circles, and sing 50s Doo-Wop songs) to it.
3. Reality TV: Trash My Ride. Rapper xZma selects an unwilling participant to have his car destroyed while he raps so obscenely, half of the song is bleeped out.

Review- A talk about Bloom's Western Canon. Famous Critic Harold Bloom released a list a few years ago about the books that defined the western world. This list made a lot of the P.C. Crowd very angry. The reason is because its list tends to rely on all those people whom have been known as the founders of Western Civilization, instead of the works of Asia, Africa, and South America. I believe he did the right thing because, quite frankly, which group tends to have more literary influence, The European literature, or the literature of Asia, Africa, and South America? Personally, I and a lot of other people admit that, as interesting as some aspects fo their cultures are, it is given that outside of Asia, Africa, and South America, the literary traditions of Europe do indeed tend to be more known. Besides, as one famous Roman said, "De gustibus non disputandum." "There's no accounting for taste."

Quote- "Why this is my responsibility I have no Idea, so I'm only going to say this once: I order you to enter the latrine and defecate!"
___________ Buzzcut, Beavis and Butthead.

Link of the Day-
A man compares Orwells 1984 with life in 2005. Check out the forum, also. I am Orwelliantherye.

Tract Review-
Cats- Daniel in the lions den.

Caught!- A man is caught in adultery and asks Bob Williams for sympathy. He instead lectures him on David and Bathsheba. 13 of 25 in the Bible Series.

Charlie's Ants- Charlien loves his ants! When their lives are in danger, a friend tells him about how Jesus becama a man to save humanity.

The Choice- Why we have a choice to Choose Jesus.

Cleo- When the family dog runs away, she is kidnapped by a dogcatcher. The Family rescues her in the nick of Time.

The Contract- As Seen in Angels? , This is about how Satan owns people who haven't accepted Christ.

Creator or Liar- Too Close to call.

The Crisis- As a girl bleeds to death, Jehovah's witnesses learn they will burn in Hell.

The Curse of Baphomet- This time, Masons burn in Hell. So Ridiculous.

Dark Dungeons- Apparently, D and D is tied to Satanism when a girl kills herself when she was forced to leave the game.

The Death Cookie- Apparently, The Egyptians turned Satan turned The Catholic Church on to Communion according to this tract. The same type of wafer used by Protestants.

The Decieved- After talking about Satan in the Bible, 2 Muslims somehow realize that Satan Controls the Vatican controls Islam. Onw would think that he would get common sense after all these Years.

A Demon's Nightmare- A day in the life of a demon constantly thwarted by The Word.

The Devil's Night- Yet another of Li'l Suzy's misadventures when she convinces a friend that Halloween is Satan's Night.

The Dirty Diamond- A family turning down a $3 million diamond becomes a metaphor for God's salvation.

Doom Town- The Story of Sodom is related.

The Dreamer- Joseph and the technicolour Dreamcoat without Donny Osmond.

Earthman- Don't let the title fool you. It is just another tract explaining creationism.

The EMpty tomb- The Life of Jesus.

The Execution- As a man is sentenced to do something that hasn't been done legally since 1936 (Hang), he learns about Jesus.

Fallen- A man is beaten constantly, and laughs at God. Bible Serie #19 of 25.

Fat Cats- Why Chick thinks a Communist Revolution will not work. Maybe not communism, but Democratic Socialism, I'm all for!

Fire Starter- Not to be confused with the superior Steven King Novel, This is about How God sent fire when Ba'al did not.

The First Jaws- The Story of Jonah.

Flight 114- 2 missionaries died in a plane crash and are condemned by God. Huh?

The Fool- A king gives a Jester a wand to give to a bigger fool than himself. Then, when he is dying, he is given the wand.

FRamed!- When a man is arrested, Bob Williams tells the story of Joseph being sold into slavery. #6 of 25 in the Bible Series.

Frame-up- A priest tells a convict about the Pharisees' fight to put Jesus in Jail.

COmpletely ridiculous, but that's why I like them.

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Monday, October 17, 2005

Issue 17

News: A lot has happened. I might as well put up a list of People I hate.
Mia Farrow- For Accusing Woody Allen of being a child molestor.
Orlando BLoom- For having every single thing he touches turn to crap.
The Conservative majority of pundits claiming that the media is too left-wing.
Bush's Cronies- But not Bush, for reasons I will explain below.
The Religious Right- I have a special reason for this, too. I was in an extremely right-wing school where I was teased mercilessly until my mind got this cynical.
Nixon- The Fact that he is dead does not change the fact that he was the worst president until Bush Jr.
Harry Chapin- For composing the most depressing corpus of music known to man.

George W. Bush- I did not include him because I believe he is too stupid to actually be the one orchestrating the decisions made in his career.
Jack T. Chick- Like the Religious right, but I included him on the CBNC list because his tracts are so wildly inaccurate, they are hilarious.

Band Name of the Day: Wicked Lizard. At one point in the Reduced Shakespeare Company's version of the bible, one man tells how God thinks about how Satan was a Wicked Lizard, and that Wicked Lizard would be a good name for a Metal band.

Film idea of the day: It is a TV series about a cynical teenager adopted by a 4-parent bizarrely PC family with children of several different races. The episodes primarily revolve around the family trying to make him a complacent and PC boy and failing miserably. One episode, (an hour long special) includes the family forcing him to undergo Cocaine rehab. The only problem, is that the closest thing he's ever done to drugs is toast a poppy-seed bagel.

Review of the Day: Stop Making Sense. I recently watched this film, and was blown away, and it now takes my vote as the greatest concert film ever because of the fact that the focus is almost exclusively on the band, leaving me more time to focus on the instruments the guitarists are using, as well as the fact that the music is also excellent.
True Stories- David Byrne directs, writes, composes, and stars in this film about a reporter covering the sesquicentennial of Texas. Seeing how little we have of the film's soundtrack (it is great), I wish the incidental music, the Talking Heads' covers, and the songs as performed in the movie were in the same package.

Quote of the Day: "The Christian Right is neither Christian Nor Right"
______________The Reduced Shakespeare Company, in the Complete Word of God (Abridged)

Link of the Day:

Chick Tract Review: In this section, for the next few issues, I will be reviewing the Aforementioned Chick Tracts, but not only am i taking it with a grain of salt, I am pouring the skaker on each tract. A-B today.

The Accident- When an Aristocrat's carpet is stained, his butler decides to talk about how Jesus Removes the stain of sin.

Allah had no Son- A man and his son walk in on a group of Muslims praying, and deconstruct their faith in front of them, including mentioning dubious evidence of Allah existing before the 7th Century AD.

Angels- While Satan reveals that all kinds of music were created by him, A Christian Rock Band sells their souls to the devil and all the members die one by one until the singer reads, of all things, A Chick Tract about the same thing, and the Devil is defeated.

Apes, Lies, and Miss Henn- A little girl named Li'l Susy debunks evolution, because of the pre-existing and contradictory 2 consecutive creation stories in Genesis don't mention evolution.

Are Roman Catholics Christians?- Jack says no, I say anybody who claims to be Christian is one, except for Fred Phelps.

The Assignment- Angels in Heaven are doing a play-by-play of a dying man's last minutes.

The Attack- Chick explains how The King James Bible is superior to all other versions, including the original Hebrew and Greek Texts.

Baby Talk- A woman is convinced to not get an abortion. I cannot Wait to see Baby Talk II, in which Ashley realizes what a living Hell the baby made her life into, even though Chick probably scrapped it because it was too much like David Lynch's Eraserhead.

Back From the dead- A man comes back from the dead and claims to have seen Hell. This answers up an important question: If we accept the stories of Men who came back to life from Death as fact, then should Gene Ray's time cube be explained in school?

Bad Bob!- A huge drug Dealer survives a prison fire and turns to Christ.

The Beast- Satanism is devouring the world, or so Chick thinks.

Best Friend- A little girl, not the one mentioned Earlier, tells her best Friend on how to get another best friend: Jesus.

Bewitched- It talks about how Satan tries to balance making the life of a 15-year old stoned girl, and reruns of his favorite show, of the same name as the title.

Big Daddy- Another anti-evolution tract riddled with information with no real proof.

Big Deal- #5 in the Bible Tract Series, Bob Williams (the main character) teaches a friend's brother about the story of Jacob.

Big Spender- A man wins a gamble, almost loses his life and completely loses his money. He learns the story of the prodigal son.

The Birds and Bees- Li'l Susy is Baaack and debunks why Gays are not evil, according to an old outdated law book.

Boo!- Teens learn the Truth about Halloween: That it is the night in which Satan worshippers andf Druids stalk the Earth to kill random people.

The Brat- An illustration of the Prodigal Son Parable.

Burn Baby Burn- Schadrach, Meschach, and Abendago. Not much else.

Busted!- The assistant to a prosecutor tells him that he is living in sin, and the prosecutor dies as his secretary converts.

The Bull- A bulky convict is put in solitaty and is saved by Reading a Chick Tract.

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Sunday, October 16, 2005

Originally Written 25 September 2005

News: Something eventful happened in the Library recently. As you may or may not know or have not guessed from the severe diversity of my Movie Reviews, I view a large variety of 10 movies every week. 5 on DVD and 5 on VHS. On September 17, I checked out 5 films on DVD as usual. They were Barbershop, 32 Short Films about Glenn Gould, Shine, The unforgiven (the 1960 Audie Murphy film, not the 1993 Chint Eastwood Best picture-winner), and First Knight. One Week later, I returned them, as per usual, but found out 45 minutes later that First Knight was not in its case. Well, I tore the house apart on two seperate occasions trying to find it and Both times I came up blank. Then, I realized the DVD must be in one of the cases of the other four films. Well, Sunday, my Dad and I went to the library and checked out each DVD again, save First Knight, Although I managed to find out every single DVD while my dad managed to try to locate Shine unsuccessfully until I found the case staring me in the face, and that was the case that First Knight had been in all along. And now upon retrospect, I wish I had intenionally switched Shine and the Glenn Gould DVDs.

Band name of the day: The Lazy Eyes of Dying. This comes from a mondegreen from the song "Die sonne" from Rammstein.

Film Idea of the Day: Down and Out in New York. This is a documentary-style film that has me traveling from a Philedelphia train Station to New York's Penn Station all the way to Central Park's Carousel, as described in The Catcher in The Rye, which I will quote liberally, and as we all know is, hands down, my favorite book, and a book I plan on adapting into a television miniseries (a feat usually reserved for books at least twice its length.) I plan on creating this film as either a proof of Concept film for Salinger, (like the "The Customer is Always Right" section of the film "Sin City" ) or as a consolation prize for me not being able to film the actual book.

Review of the day: Badlands, Terence Malick's Debut film, folloes the misadventures of Kit and Holly (Martin Sheen and Sissy Spacek), two teens who go on the run after Kit kills Holly's dad and burns her house down. Beautifully scored and photographed, by Carl Orff and Tak Fujimoto, respectively, this re-imagining of the story of Charles Starkweather and Caril Ann Fugate excels in every aspect.

Quote of the Day: "Wanted: friendly, companionably reclusive, socially unacceptable, alcoholically abstemious, tirelessly talkative, zealously unzealous, spiritually intense, minimally turquoise, maximally ecstatic moon, seeks moth or moths with similar qualities for purposes of telephonic seduction, Tristanesque trip-taking, and permanent flame-fluttering, no photos required, financial status immaterial, all ages and non-competitive vocations considered, applicants should furnish sets of sample conversation with notarized certification of marital disinclination, references re: low decibel vocal consistency, itinerary and sample receipts from previous successfully completed out-of-town moth flights, all submissions treated confidentially... "
_______________________Glenn Gould, from a personal ad he may or may not have filed. (film #23 in the 32 short films about Glenn Gould)

Link of the day:
This site is the "Best Web Page in The Universe" ripoff of a man who claims to be a photoshop addicted Amish who rants frequently.


Saturday, October 15, 2005

Originally Written 15 September 2005

News: I came up with the idea for a Role-Playing Game, like the Sims, but Text-based and Forum-Style, in which the player is in a college with a rock star.
The Rules would be:
1) If someone has already been taken, pick someone else.
2) You may have a non rock star provided that he or she is of the opposite sex and your rock star roommate isn't.
3) design your room to your roomie's (or roomies') and your tastes and describe them on this thread.
4) Look through your music collection if you have trouble finding a suitable roomie.
5) There is no rule 5.
6) Your roomie don't nessicarily have to be alive.
These were from the original thread on The Pink FLoyd Fan Network that I started. The original 5th rule was that Tony Iommi, Geezer Butler, and Ozzy osbourne were exempt from roommate status (because they kicked their original member-roommate out of their original room.)
Anyway, The Dorm building is of a Frank-Lloyd Wright style Architecture, with three floors and a basement. each Floor has 15 dorms (except for 14 in the basement), a common room, and a bathroom.

Band Name of the Day: The Wooden Leg Named Smith. This comes from a joke from Mary Poppins , which I haven't seen in years. Anyway, it comes up in a joke between Dick Van Dyke and Ed Wynn. It starts out when Dick Van Dyke says he knows a man with a wooden leg named Smith. Wynn asks, "What's the name of his other leg?". It later appears when the elderly head of the Banking company David Tomlinson's Character works for laughs to death after being told the joke.

Film Idea of the Day: We interrupt this section to bring you this very important message: A lot of people at's forums insist that they will never watch a Woody Allen movie. Why? Because of Woody's relationship with Soon-Yi Previn. She is an adopted college-aged (when the relationship began) daughter of a woman he saw on-off for 10 years from a previous marraige of MIa Farrow (note she was adopted in a previous marraige, neither Woody, Mia, or Her previous husband were biologically related). Mia herself should know about being a girl in her early 20s smitten by a 50-something man. She Married Frank Sinatra in 1966! Anyway, The disproved incest and paedophilia, as well as Mia's own hypocrisy aside, lies one big fact: This does not change the fact that his films are some of the greatest films of all time. This reminds me of the following scene from The Day After Tomorrow:
Jeremy: Friedrich Nietzsche? We can't burn that! He's one of the most important thinkers in 19th Century!
Elsa : Please! Nietzsche was a chauvinist pig who was in love with his sister.
Jeremy: He was not a chauvinist pig!
Elsa: But he was in love with his sister.
Point proven, Doing this to Woody Allen is like changing the radio station every time Michael Jackson is heard on the Radio.

Review of the Day: Somewhere in Time. Christopher reeve stars as a man who, in 1972, recieves a gold watch from an old lady. 8 years after that, He is an accomplished playwright who vacations in a bed and breakfast on Mackinaw Island, and discovers a younger version of the aforementioned old lady. She is a stunning actress played by Jane Seymour, and by going cold Turkey off the modern World, goes back to 1912, when he ultimately meets her, and really starts to hit it off with her until he finds a penny in his pocket. Vintage 1979. This causes his 1912 sequence to be a dream. This gets my vote for Best non-Twilight Zone work by Richard Matheson, based on his novel Bid Time Return.

Quote of the Day: "Thank God I'm an atheist."
________________Luis Bunuel.


If you don't think you're ready, check out this site before:


Friday, October 14, 2005

Also Originally written 12 September 2005

News: Political Correctness, Part 2.
As you can tell from my previous issue, I do not think highly of "Political Correctness". One big issue is the semantics of the term, because of the use of "correct" meaning that there is an actual correct type of speech, which is, of course, highly subjective, but semantics aside, there is another idea. I believe that All Men are Created Equal. Note that I mean "men" as shorthand for "All Humans". I mean that all human beings are, on the inside, created Equally (The one mistake in that line, and I hope I can get off semantics), not "all non-WASP, non-males, non-white, non-straight, and non-disabled/handicapped/handicapable (yech) persons are created equally." Soon, It will be seen that wheelchair-bound black lesbians are the best type of people. I can see where it comes from, because on the airwaves 50 years ago, Amos and Andy made Britney Spears' Media Whorage seem like Thomas Pynchon-level reclusiveness. Now, the new black stereotype is Spike Lee. There is no reason for White People to claim they are the greatest race on Earth, because of the fact that Blacks are less likely to sunburn because of their skin color and for those who think America is God's gift to Whitey, The Native Americans were here first. On to feminism: Sure, the barefoot, pregnant, and beaten senseless ideal of women doesn't appeal to me, but I don't see why the male becoming submissive and beaten senselessly by somebody who idolizes the woman who shot Warhol should be any improvement. I once saw an episode of All in the Family in which Gloria joined Women's Lib, Michael was furious, and Gloria was accusing of acting like a male chauvinist, and Michael counteracts with accusations of Feminism. This begs the question: why is one kind of self righteous gender supremacy better than another?* Apparently, because it is more mainstream. And Religion: reading an extremely contradictory, complicated, and long book literally will solve your problems. YEAH RIGHT. On the other hand, Why change the name of Christmas to a flurry of holidays in the last week of December? Homosexuality: I am straight, but there is no point in having me discriminating against those who aren't, except for the Religion embedded into America. And the Disabled/handicapped/handicapable: I have no problem with you whatsoever. I just wouldn't want to be one of you. That's it with my list of Special Interest Groups. Now, The last time a nation was this much on the same page was Nazi Germany, not counting Oceania in 1984 by George Orwell. Also, the Language changes like the phases of the Moon. Verdict: The Amos and Andy, Barefoot and Pregnant, Theocracy is an unacceptable extreme. Equally unacceptable is a nation of black supremacist lemmings of all races who have memorized the Vagina Monologues. So remember, If the Klan Meets up near you, turn up your stereo and close the curtains, peeking occasionally to see if they have left or if the Nation of Islam suddenly collides with them, in which case, keep the cameras rolling and give me the tapes.

Band Name of the Day: The Whole Nother Set of BS. This comes from a line in the Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode The Broodwich. Two demons are chatting and at one point the words "That's a whole nother set of Bull (Beep) i'm sure" come out. This is, of course, very memorable, to me at least.

Film idea of the day: Director's Cut. A filmmaker has a film drastically altered from his original vision and attacks the producers. Will he be found guilty in a court of law?

Review of the Day: Mickey Blue Eyes. In it, Hugh Grant plays an Auctioneer who marries a mobster (Jimmy Caan of Godfather fame)'s daughter. It is particularly memorable for Caan's son's violent paintings sold for upwards of $100,000. Also for a scene in which Caan sings and I think "Maybe if he starts a singing career, he wouldn't need crime."

Quote of the Day: "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
___________________Benjamin Franklin.

Link of the Day:
This is another satire on Creationism, Intelligent Falling.

Also Originally written 12 September 2005

News: Political Correctness, Part 2.
As you can tell from my previous issue, I do not think highly of "Political Correctness". One big issue is the semantics of the term, because of the use of "correct" meaning that there is an actual correct type of speech, which is, of course, highly subjective, but semantics aside, there is another idea. I believe that All Men are Created Equal. Note that I mean "men" as shorthand for "All Humans". I mean that all human beings are, on the inside, created Equally (The one mistake in that line, and I hope I can get off semantics), not "all non-WASP, non-males, non-white, non-straight, and non-disabled/handicapped/handicapable (yech) persons are created equally." Soon, It will be seen that wheelchair-bound black lesbians are the best type of people. I can see where it comes from, because on the airwaves 50 years ago, Amos and Andy made Britney Spears' Media Whorage seem like Thomas Pynchon-level reclusiveness. Now, the new black stereotype is Spike Lee. There is no reason for White People to claim they are the greatest race on Earth, because of the fact that Blacks are less likely to sunburn because of their skin color and for those who think America is God's gift to Whitey, The Native Americans were here first. On to feminism: Sure, the barefoot, pregnant, and beaten senseless ideal of women doesn't appeal to me, but I don't see why the male becoming submissive and beaten senselessly by somebody who idolizes the woman who shot Warhol should be any improvement. I once saw an episode of All in the Family in which Gloria joined Women's Lib, Michael was furious, and Gloria was accusing of acting like a male chauvinist, and Michael counteracts with accusations of Feminism. This begs the question: why is one kind of self righteous gender supremacy better than another? Apparently, because it is more mainstream. And Religion: reading an extremely contradictory, complicated, and long book literally will solve your problems. YEAH RIGHT. On the other hand, Why change the name of Christmas to a flurry of holidays in the last week of December? Homosexuality: I am straight, but there is no point in having me discriminating against those who aren't, except for the Religion embedded into America. And the Disabled/handicapped/handicapable: I have no problem with you whatsoever. I just wouldn't want to be one of you. That's it with my list of Special Interest Groups. Now, The last time a nation was this much on the same page was Nazi Germany, not counting Oceania in /1984/ by George Orwell. Also, the Language changes like the phases of the Moon. Verdict: The Amos and Andy, Barefoot and Pregnant, Theocracy is an unacceptable extreme. Equally unacceptable is a nation of black supremacist lemmings of all races who have memorized the Vagina Monologues. So remember, If the Klan Meets up near you, turn up your stereo and close the curtains, peeking occasionally to see if they have left or if the Nation of Islam suddenly collides with them, in which case, keep the cameras rolling and give me the tapes.

Band Name of the Day: The Whole Nother Set of BS. This comes from a line in the Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode The Broodwich. Two demons are chatting and at one point the words "That's a whole nother set of Bull (Beep) i'm sure" come out. This is, of course, very memorable, to me at least.

Film idea of the day: Director's Cut. A filmmaker has a film drastically altered from his original vision and attacks the producers. Will he be found guilty in a court of law?

Review of the Day: Mickey Blue Eyes. In it, Hugh Grant plays an Auctioneer who marries a mobster (Jimmy Caan of Godfather fame)'s daughter. It is particularly memorable for Caan's son's violent paintings sold for upwards of $100,000. Also for a scene in which Caan sings and I think "Maybe if he starts a singing career, he wouldn't need crime."

Quote of the Day: "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
___________________Benjamin Franklin.

Link of the Day:
This is another satire on Creationism, Intelligent Falling.


Thursday, October 13, 2005

Originally written 12 September 2005

News: Below is an article about political Correctness written by an anonymous blogger on about political correctness with annotations by me in italics.

When you think ‘Politically Correct’, do you get images of people not using particularly inflammatory and hurtful words, or do you get images of your free speech rights being violated? The Latter.

The split, I’d say is about 80/20 (strictly non-scientific, mind you). Eighty percent of the people, including every conservative I’ve ever known or spoken with, will believe that political correctness is a form of limiting free speech 80% of people are right in this case, while twenty percent of the people, mostly (if not completely) progressive, will believe that it is a tool to keep the conversation cordial. These are the sheep.

What’s unfortunate about this is that the wingnuts are the ones who made those 80% (even the liberals) feel that there is something horribly wrong with being politically correct. The last time a country was this much on the same page, it was 1930s Germany. During the age of political correctness (the 90s), we were bludgeoned repeatedly with anecdotes and scare stories by the conservative movement to attempt to scare us into voting conservative, if only to maintain our free speech rights.

...At a time when a disabled black man in Texas was beaten by
racists then chained to a truck and dragged down a road to his death
and a gay college student in Wyoming was tied to a fence,
pistol-whipped, and left to die, we would do well to focus our
sights on big-time incivilities such as racism and homophobia.
Instead, we are diverted by willy-nilly references in stories about
road rage, or worse, by fear mongers wh//o intentionally//_//_ set
out to confuse matters.

One of the most effective scare campaigns of the late twentieth
century-political correctness on college campuses-was undertaken for
the express purpose of changing the terms of debate about civility.
The people who generated the scare did not phrase it in those terms,
mind you; they couched their alarmism in First Amendment language.
In the late 1980s conservative commentors began warning of what they
described a “the greatest threat to the First Amendment in our
history” (Rush Limbaugh), I never thought I''d Say it, but that
bloated right-wing stoner is right “the equivalent of the Nazi
brownshirt thought control movement” (Walter Williams), and “an
ideological circus as deadly as AIDS” (David Horowitz). Both are,
of course true.

[The Culture of Fear: Why Americans Are Afraid of the Wrong Things
Barry Glassner, p. 9-10]

So, when you read {Rox Populi}, {des femmes} and {Hugo Schwyzer} talk about the use of language in today’s society, you can tell where it came from. The inappropriateness of certain words as not politically correct has been demystified to the point of lunacy; to the point of making it okay to repeatedly use the word ‘p*ssy’ (even liberals), and use ‘B*tch’ as a matter of course in every day conversation.

Perhaps it’s time to resurrect PC, Aw Hell No! and make it more appropriate to the world… particularly when young, gaming boys think that ‘Gay’ is the best insult that they can throw Of course, this is because they are idiots for the most part, ‘N*gg*r’ is an appropriate word used in the reference of rap songs, and ‘C*nt, P*ssy, Wh*re, Sl*t and B*tch’ are appropriately used to sling hate at both men and women. And Don't Forget Semprini!

PC was never about telling you how you could and could not speak. It was, and still is, about learning to be civil to one another: You Say civility, you mean Banality.

I’m fond of saying at this point that the old line "Sticks and stones may break my bones But words can never hurt me." Then why not refuse to keep all non-white, non-straight, non-male, non-WASPs treated like Faberge eggs? can be said far more authentically by straight white Christian males than by anyone else! *Folks who look like me, make love like me, and believe as I do have created a language that in both formal and slang speech has few weapons to single us out, except by calling us what we are not.

[Enter v. envelop, and playing with the language

If we’re ever to take back language from those who would pervert it in an effort to hurt us, Where did I read about this before, OH YEAH.. 1984 by George Orwell. we’re going to have to stop being squeamish of PC, PC is being Squeamish of Non-PC and start educating people about what it really is. Think about it, and the next time you hear someone say ‘Oh, PC is bullshit’, remind them that it’s only bullshit if you’re white, male, straight and Christian. White, Straight, and Male, Yes. Christian, not too sure about at the moment, but I don't get angry if somebody says "Merry Christmas" to Me.

To Be Continues, but not as an annotation of a previously written article.

Band Name of the Day: The Little Cubicle that Ethics built. This Comes from an episode of The Drew Carey Show where Mr. Wick makes Drew in the running of the assistant store manager on the condition that he sabotages the competition. When Drew refuses, Wick says "Oh yes, I forgot, this is the little cubicle that ethics built."

Film Idea of the Day: Duuds on Ice. In this film, a group of extremely strange people tries to put up a musical version of The Blair Witch Project on Broadway.

Review of the Day: The Falls: For the first time in this Blog's History, I will review a film I have not seen from Start to Finish. This is because this is a 3-hour film available only in Europe about 92 victims of an 18-million-victim Pandemic called the Violet Unknown Event (or VUE), all of who's last names start with the letters FALL. The symptoms include a bird obsession often to the point of attempted flight and arrested man-bird metamorphasis, dreams of water, and a propensity for speaking in new languages.

Quote of the Day : The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results
________________________Benjamin Franklin or Albert Einstein.

Link of the day:
This is a 12-minute flash animation about a high school student's warped interpretation of To Kill a mockingbird called "How to kill a Mockingbird"


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Originally written 3 September 2005

News: Well, the letter in Blog Entry 11 got a reply. Unfortunately, it is one of those silkscreened replies that you get as soon as you hit the send button that paints him in a positive light even if you send him mindless spam. On to plan B: Send a revised copy to Cheney with frequent cursing.

Anyways, Here's my real essay of the day:
After reading about a site by Bob Barker (No, not The Bob Barker), who also goes by Toxic The Machine and Mark Hughes (His Real Name) about his Radio Station KRUD (Site:, which broadcasts Friday nights from 7-10 PM Mountain Time, I decided to come up with the idea for my own LPA/FM Radio station only on for three hours on a friday night: WOOT-FM.
The Scheduele:
Sunday 12:00 AM- Friday 4:59 PM: Off the Air.
Friday 5:00 PM- Friday 6:59 PM: IT'S! IT'S! WHY! WHY! THE! THE! SHOW! SHOW!. Hosted by Me.
Friday 7:00 PM-Friday 7:59 PM: Simulcast of This American LIfe from WBEZ-FM 91.5.
Friday 8:00 PM- Saturday 11:59 PM: Off The Air.
IT'S! IT'S! WHY! WHY! THE! THE! SHOW! SHOW!: Best described as an extended version of my blog, It has me talking about current events as they actually happen, as opposed to writing a bunch of articles over a period of 2 months before Fran and Mary Ann finally get the blog up and having each entry put up in installments daily. It also has me talking about movies and books, and also occasionally playing music (esp. Classic Rock, Philip Glass, and Jazz music). This is like an episode of The Steve Dahl Show (Weekdays 2-7 PM, 105.9FM) condensed from 5 hours to 2, and with just one well-read guy with a left leaning mind and a twisted sense of humour. Intro Music: Fire by the Crazy World of Arthur Brown. To Understand why I chose this song, create a playlist, download John Lennon and Yoko Ono's Two minutes of Silence and Fire. Place the two next to each other in order on the playlist and play. It Creates a contrast because the former is exactly what its title says, and the latter begins with the lines I AM THE GOD OF HELLFIRE AND I BRING YOU...... shouted very loudly.

Band Name of the Day: Celebrity Animal Parties. During his recent trial, Michael Jackson described himself as a man who likes to hold "celebrity Animal Parties" for his monkey. Right.

Movie Idea of the Day: Untitled, it is a story of a bizarre indie film director who, among other things, dresses up in a dress and a ZZ Top Beard, Collects stupid-looking hats, and directs strange films (predominantly Fan Films of 'Manos': The Hands of Fate) Starring his best Friend The MC 900-Foot Torgo (His Real Name) and also another friend, C.J. (Cthulhu Jones) 1984erson. He, with his Egg Addicted Dad, live in a bizarrely vacant trailer park, and hold the title for "Strangest Family on Earth". But Not if the Michaelses, who own a hockey mask and Chainsaw store and frequently attend to business in what apppears to be a combination of a motorized wheelchair and a Barbershop Chair with built in Shampooing Sink to tye-die their hair, can help it.

Review: American Dad. From the Creator of Family Guy, comes a new show about The Smith Family: Ultra-Paranoid-Psychotic-and-Conservative CIA Agent Stan, His Wife Francine, Their Ultra-liberal (Green party) Daughter Hayley, Her Brother Steve (The Animated Millenial Bud Bundy), Klaus (The german Athelete in the body of a goldfish), and their crypto-homosexual extraterrestrial Roger (who is not allowed to leave the House). For an Animated show from the creator of a show that frequently has a habit of bizarre interludes about pop cultures that most people who saw the show never saw the movies they reference, No show, animated or otherwise, has ever simultaneously made me laugh and showed me how messed up America is today, except perhaps Beavis and Butthead.

Quotes: I normally wouldn't put two movie ideas in the same issue, much less in the Quotes Section, but here it is: Hitler Cheese. It is a low-budget film about a somewhat disturbed intellectual. I only have two scenes so far. Scene 1: The Man goes to the Art Institute. Perpetuum Mobile by the Penguin Cafe Orchestra is playing. He Sees Nighthawks and is mesmerized by the man sitting alone with closeups getting closer to the Man's eyes, and the Painting's Canvas, and ultimately, He Genuflects and bows his head. This is the only scene I plan to film outside my house. Scene 2: The Man constantly flubs the line "You know Billy, we blew it" from Easy Rider. I plan on this being the ending scene. I plan on putting Epigraphs on each scene. These include:

"They named a brandy after Napoleon, they made a herring out of Bismarck, and the Fuhrer is going to end up as a piece of cheese!"
__________Edwin justis mayer, To be or not to be

"And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables?"
__________Mark 4:13

"And if thou refuse to let them go, behold, I will smite all thy borders with frogs"
__________Ex. 8:2

"Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord."
__________ Romans 12:19

" If a slave say to his master: "You are not my master," if they convict him his master shall cut off his ear."
_________ The Code of Hammurabbi no. 282

"Who wants flowers when you are dead? Nobody."
________ J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in The Rye.

"The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one."
_______ William Stekel.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
_____ The First Amendment to The Constitution of The United States of America.

Site of the Day:
This is a clip from a famous speech written by Tommy Douglas, a Canadian politician, written in 1961 explaining via a fable why to vote for The New Democratic Party. Truer words were never spoken by a canadian. And I mean true in a sense of "Applies as much to America c. 2005 as much as it did to Canada in c. 1961"

Mouseland, was a place where all the little mice lived and played, were born and died, and lived pretty much like you and I do. They even had a Parliament. And every 4 years they had an election. They used to walk to the polls and cast their ballots. Some of them even got a ride to the polls. And got a ride for the next four years afterwards too. Just like you and me. And every time on election day, all the little mice used to go to the ballot box and they used to elect a government. A government made up of Big Fat Black Cats. Now if you think it's strange that mice would elect a government made up of cats, you just look at the history of Canada for the last 90 years, and maybe you'll see that they weren't any stupider than we are. Now I'm not saying anything against the cats. They were nice fellows, they conducted the government with dignity. They passed good laws, that is laws that were good for cats. But the laws that were good for cats, weren't very good for mice. One of the laws said, that mice holes had to be big enough, so the cats could get their paws in. Another law said, mice had to travel at certain speeds, so the cat could get his breakfast without too much physical effort. All the laws were good laws for cats. But oh they were hard on the mice, and life was getting harder and harder. When the mice couldn't take it anymore, they decided that something had to be done about it. So they went en masse to the polls. They voted the Black cats out. They put in the White cats. The White cats had put up a terrific campaign. "All that Mouseland needs is more vision." They said, "The trouble with Mouseland is all those round mouse holes. If you put us in, we'll give you square mouse holes." And they did. But the problem was that the square mouse holes was twice as large as the round mouse holes, so now the cat could get both his paws in. And life was tougher than ever. And when they couldn't take that anymore, they voted the White cats out and put the Black ones in again. Then they went back to the White cats, and back to the Black cats, they even tried half Black cats and half White cats. And called that coalition. They even got one government made up of cats with spots on them. They were cats that tried to make noise like a mouse, but ate like a cat. The trouble wasn't the colour of the cats, but the fact that they were cats. And since they were cats, they naturally looked after the cats, instead of mice. Presently, there came along one little mouse, who had an idea. My friends, watch out for a little fellow with an idea. And he went to the other mice and said, "My friends, why do we keep on electing a government made up of cats, why don't we elect a government made up of mice?" "Oh!" They said, "He's a Bolshevik" So they put him in Jail. But what I want to remind you, You can lock up a mouse or a man, but you cannot lock up an idea.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Originally Written August 28, 2005

News: An open Letter to George W. Bush.
Dear Mr. "pResident":
IF YOU CAN READ THIS, PLEASE READ AND REPLY. I have heard your reply to Cindy Sheehan, whose son died in Iraq. You told her that if we pull out of Iraq, we would be in a worse state than ever. Let's Review the facts: You first came to overthrow Saddam and find non-existent WMDs. Saddam was overthrown ("mission Accomplished": Do these words Ring a bell?) and there never were any WMDs except for the ones your Daddy Sent him before the Gulf war. You Even admitted that there were no WMDs. Then you said we needed to stay as an interim government before the Iraquis reformed. Now Talabani has taken power and he has even drawn up a constitution. What if The UK still occupied the Colonies when George Washington became president? That would, of course, suck big time. So why should we remain there? I have two reasons why you might remain there, both Equally invalid in my opinion: The first is that you want Iraq to be the 51st State of America, and the first under Martial Law, and The other reason is that you want to destroy Islam, except for your buddies in Saudi Arabia. Judging from your actions since 2001, It seems that the Latter makes much more sense. Of course, this is because after 9/11, you and your buddies in the cabinet put out the beyond unconstitutuional USA PATRIOT ACT, which allows you to destroy our rights and liberties so the people who destroyed the World Trade Centers don't have to. YOU HAVE LOST THE WAR ON TERROR. You are doing exactly what the enemy wants you to do. How do you know that Al-Quaeda dodn't just plan on doing The 9-11 attacks and wait to see what developed. How do you know Osama is just waiting for us to destroy ourselves so he doesn't have to, like in the /Twilight Zone /episode /The Monsters are Due on Maple Street/? And How is kidnapping hundreds of people just because they are of Middle Eastern Descent or Islamic and keeping them detained forever in a cuban prison going to help? And While we're on the subject how is it that you lost your first election and yet gained the presidency and abused it? In my life I have never seen a man so simultaneously Evil and Stupid, except for maybe Idi Amin. You make me sick.
Your Aspirin,
El Dirko|/|\aticque, Granddaddy of all Freaks.

Note to all: A sequel to Gieef Lives is planned for Release. I can't say much but that it will be out by Halloween with an annotation, and that it will be in the Third person, as well as featuring the film noir rejects i mentioned in the first annotation.

Band Name of the Day: Eddie Albert Ripped My Flesh. I combined the name of the Green Acres actor who died recently at 99 with part of a Frank Zappa Album's title. Of course, one can replace Eddie Albert's Name with that of somebody Equally obscure, like Kenny Delmar (aka Sen. Beauregard Claghorn, overdue Confederate Nationalist on Radio in the 1940s). I also have the idea of sequentially numbering each release with the word "Victim #" preceding it.

Film Idea of the Day: Actually a sketch Comedy show which, in many sketches, combines my surreal humor, my habit of making obscure pop culture references and juxtaposing them together, and my polotical views.
Sketches include:
* A teenage couple in bed in a meat locker, just after having sex (shown from the shoulders up only, it is a meat locker after all!) have a group of historical figures in a conga line singing Pink Floyd's Take up thy Stethoscope and Walk, and circling their bed.
* Dr. Viktor Frankenstein tries to create his monster but tries to deal with the Religious Right wing protestors picketing his castle.
* A teacher tries to deal with his unruly and unseen students (who manifest themselves via a constant drunken roar and an occasional something thrown at the blackboard.)
* A mock Commercial in which an old couple celebrate Christmas with a puppy and note "This Was our Puppy's First (BLEEEEEP)", A reference to a real Commercial except the BLEEEEEEP was replaced with "Holiday".
* NEWSPEAK PHRASEBOOK. I say a relatively short sentence and somebody else says a ridiculously long and PC version of the exact same sentence.
* A man is run over by a truck. The next day, a bulldozer stops right in front of his body and tries to sell homeowners insurance.

Review: The Dukes of Hazzard. This film is the latest in a series of films remaking long-canceled Television shows. In it, The Good Ol' Boys try to stop the strip mining of their County by Boss Hogg and Sheriff Rosco Coltrane. The Trib gave this 1/2 stars out of 4. I gave this 4 out of 5. What could have given this a 5 star rating would have been if The Rednex song "Cotton Eyed Joe", and parts by at least one of the four Blue Collar comedy guys: Larry the Cable Guy, Ron White, Larry the Cable Guy, or Bill Engvall.

Quote of the Day: "I was doomed to Hell as a Christian and a Horrendous Rebirth as a Hindu."
_________Eric Idle as Tommy Butterfly Rainbow Peace Patel in Splitting Heirs.

Site of the Day:
In response to Kansas allowing Intelligent Design (aka Creationism) in public Schools, Bobby Henderson created this site where he pleads the Kansas School Board to allow talk about the Flying Spaghetti Monster, who he claims created everything and is primarily shown by a poor-quality drawing creating trees, mountains, and a midget.


Monday, October 10, 2005

Originally Written on 12 August 2005

News: I came up with the idea for an album of covers that frequently have people who had nothing to do with the original recording duet-ing with me. I plan on calling it Elvis, Socrates, Clooney, and Tulsa, a reference to an album by Simon and Garfunkel. The Current Songlist includes:

1. Psycho Killer (The Stop Making Sense Version)
2. Midnight Special (Traditional “Cool Hand Luke” Version, Acoustic Solo)
2. Bloody Hammer (Roky Erickson, Acoustic Solo)
3. Won’t Get Fooled Again (The Who, but Pete Townshend /Policeman’s Ball/ solo acoustic version.)
4. Psycho Killer (Talking Heads, Lead Vox by Rachel Lillis [aka the
voice of Misty and Jessie on Pokemon.] Any Questions? Go to )
5. I’m on Fire (Bruce Springsteen, solo with band)
6. Can’t Get Enough of your Love Baby (Barry White, duet with Jack Black)
7. Rave On (buddy Holly, Duet with Jack White.)
8. 96 Tears (? And the Mysterians, Duet with Lou Reed.)
9. Long Cool Woman (The Hollies, John Fogerty)
10. Promises (Eric Clapton, Duet With Junior Brown)
11. Revolution (Beatles, Duet with Tom Petty)
12. Lola (Kinks, Everybody on the record will be on this song.)

Band Names: Here is one: Torgo-B Thy Name. This will only work if your lead singer changes his name to Torgo-B. Or another one, Starless Night. This Addresses the conspicuous lack of Stars in the Apollo 11 pictures. Hmmmm, Wery Interesting.

Film idea of the day: Untitled so far. In it, a policeman on the case of a murder spree set out by a minor tries to piece together why he did it. Based somewhat on a true story that happened not too long ago, Citizen Kane meets Helter Skelter.

Review of the day: Ferris Bueller’s Day off. 5 Stars. This is a day in the Life of Ferris Bueller. Or More accurately, The 9^th Sick day in a semester of Ferris Bueller. In that day, Ferris, His hypochondriac best Friend Cameron, and his Girlfriend Sloane have an afternoon on The town in Chicago, going to the Art Institute, the Sears tower, Hijacking a parade to Lip-Sync to "Danke Schoen" and "Twist and Shout," and Many more. I have a feeling this will have a profound effect on my film version of Catcher, and in fact, here are some parallels:

Holden: Has failed 4 out of 5 classes.
Ferris: Has missed quite a few school days.

Holden: Frequently calls people up in the middle of the night.
Ferris: Tries to call Cameron up when he would prefer to stay in bed.

Holden: Runs Away From Pencey Prep to go sightseeing in New York
Ferris: Plays hooky to go sightseeing in Chicago.

Holden: Parents think he’s still at Pencey Prep until Wednesday.
Ferris: Parents think he’s still home sick in bed.

Quote of the day: Translate this lyric of 50 Cent’s “song”, “Wanksta” into English:
We In The Club doing the same old two step
Guerilla Unit
Cos they say we bugged out
Cos we don’t go nowhere without toast
If you can understand this, I have a bridge in California I can sell you.

Link of the Day:
This is the home of the bizarre webtoon Weebl and Bob, which is the adventures of two eggs with eyes, who are completely Identical except for the fact that the latter has a higher voice and is smaller. And speaking of voices, they speak in barely intelligible English English, with speech bubbles that are barely capitalized and have very bad grammar.


Sunday, October 09, 2005

Originally Written 4 August 2005

News: Here's Trivia Time: Which country has the highest percentage of its people locked up in prison?
A: Give up? It's The US of A with 0.705% in prison, but most of the people there could be free if not for one barely constitutional practice.
Today, I will tackle an issue that most people are afraid to question: The War on drugs. Sure, drugs are bad for you, and I've been sober all my life (apart from second hand smoke when I'm downtown, and a sip of sherry, which I hated), but it's a free country (or at least, it's supposed to be), and in a free country, people are free to mess their bodies up in any way they please.
Here are some facts:

* In 1919, Congress passed a constitutional Amendment to outlaw liquor, and because of it, for 14 years, Alchohol drinking and organized crime went to an all time high.
* Then, in 1933, The amendment was repealed.
* Then just after watergate, The War on Drugs was Started By Richard Nixon in 1972. RICHARD NIXON, people!
* At that time a bag of Heroin cost $30 and was 5% pure. This is like buying a $30 box of 12 donuts with only 2/3 of a donut.
* Nowadays, an 85% pure bag costs $4. This is like buying a 12 donuts box for $4 with only 10 2/3 donuts.
* Adjusted for inflation, Heroin is 600 times cheaper now than in the early 70s.
* While LSD and Pot (Neither of which has ever been directly fatal to human beings in the 6000-4 million years we have existed) are illegal, Nicotine and Alchohol are legal.
* Nicotine and Alcohol (both of which have been responsible for deaths, although the former causing cancer) are legal.
* It cost $20,000 to keep Tommy Chong in Jail. This is likely more than it would take for you to keep keep him on your couch.
* Drug use is up 60% from the last few years.
* The Government's anti-drug PSAs don't work at all and make the people who view it want to do drugs more.
* If we freed everybody who was put in jail for drug charges who is still there now, we would be on par with most developed nations.
* What right do we have saying a man who wants to spend his life hooked to a Turkish Skull bong cannot do so?

Here's my plan: Legalize drugs for one year, and see how that goes. Likely, at the end, the drug use rate will lower. Like I said, I am sober, but if you want to mess your body up, it's no skin of my nose. (Sources: Penn and Teller's Bull**** epsode 204, and )

Band Names: Or at least better album titles. Both of these come from episodes of All in the Family. The first: Last Will and Tentacle, comes from an episode in which Archie gets drunk out of his brain after being locked in the basement. The Quote comes from a scene in which he records his will on a tape recorder while stone drunk and he mispronunces "Testament" as "Tentacle". The second: Lights out at the Reptile House. It comes from an episode of That was on TV land recently in which Gloria is angry at mike for not wanting to be in the delivery room when she gives birth. The quote comes from a section in the show in which her baby's sex is predicted with a ring. The test requires absolute quiet and, as a result, after a few characters shush each other, Archie says "What is this? Lights out at the Reptile House?"

Film idea of the day: The Untitled mockumentary-style document of a relationship between a late 50s-early 60s Author and an 18-year old girl.
Also, Ugizar update: Remember the character in Ugizar I mentioned that claims that because of Italy's film industry, the World is fake? I have added another bizarre quirk. He is frequently seen pounding his manifestos on a typewriter he claims Jack Kerouac used, on a desk with a whole bunch of half empty perfume bottles in his underwear.

Review: Rebel Without a Cause. James Dean plays the tortured Jim Stark, a teen who comes to a new town looking for love he doesn;t get in his middle class family. Despite the stellar cast (Dean also has Natalie Wood, Sal Mineo, and a very young Dennis Hopper at his side), the film has one major flaw: It should have been shot in black and white. It was intended to be shot that way, but the producers wouldn't let the director film it that way.

Transmetropolitan. The first graphic novel to be reviewed by me in this blog. In it, Spider Jerusalem is a reporter who vents out his cynical views through his Column, I hate it Here. In the column, he goes against two corrupt presidents he names The Beast and The Smiler.

Quote of the day: Emo Phillips Blowout (courtesy of Wikiquote)

* How many people here have telekenetic powers? Raise my hand.
* I love to go down to the schoolyard and watch all the little children jump up and down and run around yelling and screaming...They don't know I'm only using blanks.
* I wanted to get from 4th street to 8th... Then I remembered Einstein postulating that parallel lines eventually meet. They're dredging my car from Lake Michigan as we speak.
* Why be prejudiced against anyone because of their race or nationality or creed... when there're so many real reasons to hate others?
* I was with this girl the other night and from the way she was responding to my skillful caresses, you would have sworn that she was conscious from the top of her head to the tag on her toes.
* New York's such a wonderful city. Although I was at the library today. The guys are very rude. I said, "I'd like a card." He says, "You have to prove you're a citizen of New York." So I stabbed him.
* Probably the toughest time in anyone's life is when you have to murder a loved one because they're the devil. Other than that, though, it's been a good day.

Site of the Day:
This page is the rantings of a man who, despite never spending time nor money on advertisements, claims his website has had over 100,000,000 visitors. Also, here are some old April Fools Day things from his site:


Saturday, October 08, 2005

Originally Written by July 27, 2005

News: Not much happened, so I decided to do a "Bottom 10" list of things that bug me.
10. Sports- I can't see why people enjoy the sight of a ball being moved around an open space by a bunch of Pituitary Cases.
9. Bullies. I was subjected to their abuse for several years in grade school and have had to go to a high school where I was sure most of them wouldn't come after me, and now my mind is as twisted as Chubby Checker. And I'm proud of that last fact.
8. People who think that anything and everything has to have purpouse and meaning.
7. Hollywood and its current habit of churning out /Heaven's Gates-/waiting-to-happen with astronomical budgets.
6. Fred Phelps. He is a psychotic bigoted preacher from Topeka who keeps 4 websites running at the same time. One of them says, among other things, one of his four sites claims that The Tsunami happened because of 2000 gay swedes vacationing in the Indian Ocean's islands. What about the other 240,000?
5. Restriction of Freedom of Speech- Incredibly, this includes the hate speech laws. Sure, I believe those minorities protected are doing absolutely nothing Wrong and it is the people who say hurtful things who are wrong, but as much as I truly detest admitting (and I put this mildly) it, they have as much right to speak their minds as those they persecute.
4. Orlando Bloom.- I've seen 3 of his films. They each are very bad.
3. Stupid People
2. Stupid People who can't keep their mouths shut if you sewed their lips shut.
1. Terrorism- Now, check out my "bottom 4" sub-list"
d. The Middle Eastern type we are told to be afraid of by the media.
c. PETA- Sorry, Paul, but any group that stalks people constantly just for one offense is a terrorist organization.
b. The Religious Right- Esp. people like Fred Phelps.
a. The Government- Post-9/11.

Band Name of the day: Swamp Rabbit. This comes from a bizarre incident where President Jimmy Carter was attacked by a rabbit in a pond. I kid you not. Link to the photo at:

Film idea of the day: An untitled Montana Surreal film. In it two pregnant actresses plan on having two girls after they give birth and raise them just like them. After one of them gives birth to a boy, and one of the plays she auditioned for in her pregnancy but didn't get roles in was a hit. This drives her to become an abusive stage mother and make her son dress up as a girl.

Review: Keeping in theme with the "NEws" section, I have decided to review stuff that was very bad.
Proust's Rememberance of things Past/ In search of Lost Time- I have a confession to make. Atlas Shrugged was not the longest book I have ever read cover to cover. That honor belongs to Proust's 7-book snoozefest about a semi-autobiographical account of his life. How can something I learned about from Monty Python be so dull?
Lord of the Rings (the movie), Troy, and Pirates of the Carribean. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Quote of the day:
" I wouldn't say a word to them. I would listen to what they have to say and that's what no-one else did."
__________ Marilyn Manson, when asked what he would say to the kids at Columbine if they were with him.

Site of the day:
This website is the host of a low budget sketch comedy show called Insert Disc 2. The people involved (Chris Dunkle and Lori Williams), are in college, and originally put this show out on cable access TV. The website has the episodes of said show, as well as a few more sketches of an upcoming show. It also has short films unrelated to the show by the same people.

And in addition, A film from a 15-year old public access talent show from Peoria. Forgotten until recently, John Daker (who, if he was discovered earlier, could have been the next Andy Kaufman) sings (or more acurately, sings badly for some parts but mainly forgets the words to) "Christ the lord is risen today" and "That's Amore". He also does bizarre facial expressions while he sings. Please, If anyone has anyone knows how I can contact him, tell me. Here's the link:


Friday, October 07, 2005

Originally written July 25, 2005

News: This will be in two sections today: One lamenting the fact that Buddy Holly's complete music has been unreleased so farm and the other dissecting the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution.

I just recently burned a set of the complete released works of Buddy Holly on 3 CDs. I would have gladly shelled out the money for a boxed set if MAria Elena Holly would allow it to be released. The other 2 casualties of that plane Crash in whic he died have had their complete recordings released. Of course, these are actually available, ergo, I will actually pay for them. But Buddy Holly, the most famous of the three, has yet to have such a CD set like Richie Valens, and The Big Bopper. I hope That Mrs. Holly is reading this, because I am not asking her to green light a boxed set, I am begging her to green light a boxed set of her late Husband's work.

After watching Bowling For Columbine, I decided to check out the issue of Gun Control. The NRA and other similar groups say they have a constitutional right to have a loaded gun lying around the house. Re-reading the second amendment, I realized that they had the wrong interpretations.
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Note the lack of the word "gun" and its replacement with "Arms." "Arms" means "Weapons" in this case, and since anything can be used as a weapon, this is actually saying not "Anybody can own a gun", but "Anybody can defend his or her self."

Band Name of the Day: Hideous Round Thing. At the Same Suncoast I mentioned above, I saw an epsode of Fraggle Rock playing on the Television. In one scene, a red dog ball got into the hole. Everybody was repulsed at it, not knowing what it was. One characer called it a "Hideous Round Thing."

Film idea of the day: Cyclops. It is adaption of a stage play of the same name by Euripides. I plan to use a newer translation, and do an introduction explaining what is going on. The play itself is an adaption of Book 9 of the Odyssey (The one in which Odysseus calls himself noman and Kills a cyclops.) There are 3 main Characters, Odysseus, The Cyclops, and Silenius. I plan to have the three main characters have British Accents. Odysseus like one of the members of The Hollow Men, The Cyclops like Brian Blessed, and Silenius like Bill Nighy as Slardibartfast. The Chorus and its leader, on the other hand is dressed and sounds like Torgo from Manos the Hands of Fate.

Review: Kung Pow: Enter the Fist. Steve Oedekerk plays a man who is chosen to defeat the man who killed his family. He is chosen because of his tongue, which lives. Steve Oedekerk digitally inserted himself into a martial Arts film from the 1970s, and dubbed all of the voices himself. Totally hilarious.

Quote of the Day: Ladies and Gentlemen, a quote Blow-out from J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye. (courtesy of )

*It's partly true, too, but it isn't all true. People always think something's all true.
*What really knocks me out is a book that, when you're all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it. That doesn't happen much, though.
* Do you happen to have any cigarettes, by any chance?— Say 'no' or I'll drop dead.
* Old Childs was a Quaker and all, and he read the Bible all the time. He was a very nice kid, and I liked him, but I could never see eye to eye with him on a lot of stuff in the Bible, especially the Disciples. He kept telling me if I didn't like the Disciples, then I didn't like Jesus and all. He said that because Jesus picked the Disciples, you were supposed to like them. I said I knew He picked them, but that He picked them at random. I said He didn't have time to go around analyzing everybody. I said I wasn't blaming Jesus or anything. It wasn't His fault that He didn't have any time. I remember I asked old Childs if he thought Judas, the one that betrayed Jesus and all, went to Hell after he committed suicide. Childs said certainly. That's exactly where I disagreed with him. I said I'd bet a thousand bucks that Jesus never sent old Judas to Hell. I still would, too, if I had a thousand bucks. I think any one of the Disciples would've sent him to Hell and all— and fast, too— but I'll bet anything Jesus didn't do it.
* Take most people, they're crazy about cars. They worry if they get a little scratch on them, and they're always talking about how many miles they get to a gallon, and if they get a brand-new car already they start thinking about trading it in for one that's even newer. I don't even like old cars. I mean they don't even interest me. I'd rather have a goddam horse. A horse is at least human, for God's sake.
*The trouble with girls is, if they like a boy, no matter how big a bastard he is, they'll say he has an inferiority complex, and if they don't like him, no matter how nice a guy he is, or how big an inferiority complex he has, they'll say he's conceited. Even smart girls do it.
* You could tell he didn't feel like discussing anything serious with me. That's the trouble with these intellectual guys. They never want to discuss anything serious unless they feel like it.
* Boy, when you're dead, they really fix you up. I hope to hell when I do die somebody has sense enough to just dump me in the river or something. Anything except sticking me in a goddam cemetery. People coming and putting a bunch of flowers on your stomach on Sunday, and all that crap. Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody.
*People never think anything is anything really. I'm getting goddam sick of it.
*That digression business got on my nerves. I don't know. The trouble with me is, I like it when somebody digresses. It's more interesting and all.
*Oh, sure! I like somebody to stick to the point and all. But I don't like them to stick too much to the point. I don't know. I guess I don't like it when somebody sticks to the point all the time.
* The boys that got the best marks in Oral Expression were the ones that stuck to the point all the time— I admit it. But there was this one boy, Richard Kinsella. He didn't stick to the point too much, and they were always yelling 'Digression!' at him. It was terrible, because in the first place, he was a very nervous guy— I mean he was a very nervous guy— and his lips were always shaking whenever it was his time to make a speech, and you could hardly hear him if you were sitting way in the back of the room.
*When his lips sort of quit shaking a little bit, though, I liked his speeches better than anybody else's.
*The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.
o Quotation of _Wilhelm Stekel written down on a piece of paper by Mr. Antolini for Holden.
* I figured I could get a job at a filling station somewhere, putting gas and oil in people's cars. I didn't care what kind of job it was, though. Just so people didn't know me and I didn't
know anybody.
*I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. That way I wouldn't have to have any goddam stupid useless conversations with anybody.
* If anybody wanted to tell me something, they'd have to write it on a piece of paper and
shove it over to me. They'd get bored as hell doing that after a while, and then I'd be through with having conversations for the rest of my life. Everybody'd think I was just a poor deaf-mute bastard and they'd leave me alone.

Link of the Day:
You may not know that I am a big fan of Dr. Who. I am mainly a big fan of the 1960s era show. Since a lot of the show then doesn't exist anymore, this site offers FREE reconstructions of those lost episodes. The only payment is the VHS tapes and the shippings (in Stamps). (Note: They do not do disc recordings.) Note: This is another reason to still use VHS tapes.

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Thursday, October 06, 2005

Originally written on July 18, 2005

News- Recently, while reading through Al Franken’s Lies and the Lying Liars who Tell them, (A book about how liberal ex-SNL funnyman Al Franken immerses himself in right-wing rhetoric), I read a chapter where he brings a younger friend to an ultra-Right Wing College named Bob Jones university, claiming he was the soon-to-be-stepfather of a prospective student (played by the younger friend). After reading, I went to wikipedia to see if it was really as bad as Al Said they were, and although they have recently decided to become accredited (which they weren’t before), It was very much the same. I have a list of General rules and I will give them to you with my comments in italics

* All wireless access to the Internet is forbidden since all
Internet use must go through the University's filtered access.
This would only pertain to cell phone / satellite phone use, since
the University does provide Wi-fi service. This is 1984.
* An email account is provided for each student. Due to the flood of
objectionable content coming through outside email services,
students may use only this filtered campus email system. Please
define “objectionable”, please.
* Students are required to be in their own rooms and quiet at 11 pm.
All lights must be out by midnight. OK, this one is not extreme.
* For the sake of accountability, students MUST "check out" when
they leave the campus. Those with Junior and Senior privileges do
not have to "check out" between 7AM and 7 PM. Neither is this
one, but keep reading.
* Posters of movie and music stars and fashion models are not
permitted. This won’t end well.
* Music must be compatible with the University's music standards:
o New Age, jazz, rock, and country music is not permitted.
Dave Brubeck, the Beach boys, and Hank Williams. Satan
incarnate. Who knew? In fact it’s not true. (Hey I rhymed!)
o Contemporary Christian music is not permitted (e.g., Michael
W. Smith, Steven Curtis Chapman, WOW Worship, and so forth).
* Televisions and DVD/videocassette players are not permitted in the
residence halls; computer DVD players may NOT be used to view
movies. OK. Now it’s personal.
* All weapons must be turned in for storage. Trigger locks are
required for pistols. Fireworks are not permitted on campus.
Anything can be used as a weapon. The only possible way this can
work is if the students are completely without limbs or a head.
* Residence hall students may not watch videos above a G rating when
visiting homes in town and may NOT attend movie theaters. OK. Now
it’s Personal II: Electric Boogaloo.

In addition, they are intolerant of people who hold beliefs different from their own (ie Catholics and Liberals like me, among others.) Also, they forbid hand Holding hands, because it leads to kissing, among other things. They say these rules are for leading a Christ like path, or for becoming so repressed you turn into Dennis Hopper.

Band Name of the Day- LONG HAIRED FREAKY PEOPLE. This is a reference to the sole hit by the five man Electrical Band, “Signs”. There is one line going “/And the Sign said/ Long Haired Freaky People/ Need not apply.”

Film Idea of the day- The Hollywood Hills Tales. 8 people go to Humphrey Bogart’s ( a famous actor form the 1940s) grave and tell eight stories, which are modernized versions of Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales. Each is told by the modernized equivalent of the original speaker. Tales: Knight’s Tale (told by a soldier), Miller’s Tale (told by a baker), the Reeve’s Tale (told by a sheriff), The Wife of Bath’s Tale (as told by a housewife), The Clerk’s Tale (as told by a college student), The Franklin’s Tale (as told by a businessman), The Pardoner’s Tale (as told by a priest), and The Manciple’s Tale (as Told by a real estate king).

Review of the Day- Charlie and The Chocolate Factory. I saw the film just recently, and it was even better than the original 1971 film, which has always been a guilty pleasure of mine. It was also unusually faithful to the original book, despite the fact that in the film, Willy Wonka is bitter about his early life and family. But the only thing that I wished that was in the original, but not in this one was the boat ride, although it was in the movie, it was just fast riding through pipes that changed colors, although in the original, it was a full-fledged freakout with Wonka reciting a creepy poem that even freaked out the cast and crew, despite it being in the book. Also, I thought they would have had a TV report of the Faker from Russia, like in the original film (though from Paraguay), where they cut to Paraguayan TV news, in which a man who vaguely looked like John Kerry showed the picture of the-then-presumed-missing Nazi War Criminal Martin Bormann.

Quote of the Day- In lieu of an actual quote, I will write an imaginary dialog between me and the Director of The Deer Hunter , Heavens Gate, and not much else, Michael Cimino.

[I spot Michael Cimino on the Street. I run over to him]
(He notices me.)
Cimino: Hi. Who are you?
Me: I’m El Dirko|/|\aticque. I’m a big fan of the Deer Hunter.
Cimino: Why, Thank you.
(I hit him in the groin with my knee)
Cimino: OW! What was that for?
Me: For making Heaven’s Gate.

Link of the Day-
This is mainly just a site with decorative film-related items.


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Also written on July 17, 2005

News: I would like to answer a filmmaker's questionaire I found on the Net.
1. How many DVDs , Laserdiscs, and VHSs do you own?
About 200 or so DVDs, No laserdiscs to my knowledge, and 800-1000 VHS tapes (Note: I still have no intention of downsizing.)
2. What was the last film you saw?
In theatres: Dukes of Hazzard (2005) OK.
On tape/DVD: Back to School (1986), which I am watching right now and am 15 minutes into.
3. What was the last film you bought?
No Direction Home (2005) Bob Dylan's life story from 1942-1966, includes performances from the famous Newport concert. (Note: They were not booing his electric guitar [Muddy Waters and The Chambers Brothers also performed with electric instruments in previous years] , they were booing his leaving the stage after 3 songs.)
4. Name five films close to you.
Annie Hall (1977)
Seventh Seal (Sweden, 1957)
Sixth Sense (1999)
Blood of the Poet (French, 1932 or 1930)
O Brother Where Art Thou (2000)
5. What character would you play in a film?
Someone like me. (ie Pretentious and proud, Filmmaker/writer, makes pop culture refs very few people understand, eccentric.)

Band Name of the Day: The Exploding Circus. This came from an episoe of the Brak Show. In that episode, Brak meets a man who kidnaps his Mother. After reading about how he kidnaps women and puts them in Cocoons, his father sees an ad for the Exploding Circus.

Film Idea of the Day: Untitled: 4 people are interviewed: A man who does photoshop constantly, A man who plays Quilty in a production of Lolita in the middle of an open freeway, the head of a Church of Marilyn Monroe [note: it's a reference to Tommy] and a Jazz Bassist.

Review of the Day: Errol Morris Blowout:
Fast Cheap and Out of control: Like my idea above, but different people and it's real: A topiary artist, a lion tamer, a naked mole rat expert, and a robot scientist. Brilliant.
Thin Blue Line: You are a detective investigating a murder of a cop. Yuo have two suspects, a teenager with a criminal record who went back to town bragging he killed a cop, and a drifter twice the teenager's age without a criminal record. Who do you pick? If you're like those in the film, you pick the latter. In this film, Morris argues that they had the wrong guy.
Mr. Death: The story of how an electric chair technician falls into holocaust denial after he took 60-plus-year-old, powdered-to-the-point-of-dilution, samples from the walls of Auschwitz, tested them for cyanide (which usually clings to a wall 6-10 microns new) with negative results.
Fog of War: Robert MacNamara talks about his years with Kennedy to Morris, although he never wants to talk about the Vietnam war.

Quote of the Day: "Life is wasted on the Living"
________________Douglas Adams.

Link of the Day:
the Home on the Web of the radio show This American life. It is a show about how a distant cousin of Phillip Glass takes a topic and makes several "acts" that are like short documentaries for radio.
