Sunday, October 09, 2005

Originally Written 4 August 2005

News: Here's Trivia Time: Which country has the highest percentage of its people locked up in prison?
A: Give up? It's The US of A with 0.705% in prison, but most of the people there could be free if not for one barely constitutional practice.
Today, I will tackle an issue that most people are afraid to question: The War on drugs. Sure, drugs are bad for you, and I've been sober all my life (apart from second hand smoke when I'm downtown, and a sip of sherry, which I hated), but it's a free country (or at least, it's supposed to be), and in a free country, people are free to mess their bodies up in any way they please.
Here are some facts:

* In 1919, Congress passed a constitutional Amendment to outlaw liquor, and because of it, for 14 years, Alchohol drinking and organized crime went to an all time high.
* Then, in 1933, The amendment was repealed.
* Then just after watergate, The War on Drugs was Started By Richard Nixon in 1972. RICHARD NIXON, people!
* At that time a bag of Heroin cost $30 and was 5% pure. This is like buying a $30 box of 12 donuts with only 2/3 of a donut.
* Nowadays, an 85% pure bag costs $4. This is like buying a 12 donuts box for $4 with only 10 2/3 donuts.
* Adjusted for inflation, Heroin is 600 times cheaper now than in the early 70s.
* While LSD and Pot (Neither of which has ever been directly fatal to human beings in the 6000-4 million years we have existed) are illegal, Nicotine and Alchohol are legal.
* Nicotine and Alcohol (both of which have been responsible for deaths, although the former causing cancer) are legal.
* It cost $20,000 to keep Tommy Chong in Jail. This is likely more than it would take for you to keep keep him on your couch.
* Drug use is up 60% from the last few years.
* The Government's anti-drug PSAs don't work at all and make the people who view it want to do drugs more.
* If we freed everybody who was put in jail for drug charges who is still there now, we would be on par with most developed nations.
* What right do we have saying a man who wants to spend his life hooked to a Turkish Skull bong cannot do so?

Here's my plan: Legalize drugs for one year, and see how that goes. Likely, at the end, the drug use rate will lower. Like I said, I am sober, but if you want to mess your body up, it's no skin of my nose. (Sources: Penn and Teller's Bull**** epsode 204, and )

Band Names: Or at least better album titles. Both of these come from episodes of All in the Family. The first: Last Will and Tentacle, comes from an episode in which Archie gets drunk out of his brain after being locked in the basement. The Quote comes from a scene in which he records his will on a tape recorder while stone drunk and he mispronunces "Testament" as "Tentacle". The second: Lights out at the Reptile House. It comes from an episode of That was on TV land recently in which Gloria is angry at mike for not wanting to be in the delivery room when she gives birth. The quote comes from a section in the show in which her baby's sex is predicted with a ring. The test requires absolute quiet and, as a result, after a few characters shush each other, Archie says "What is this? Lights out at the Reptile House?"

Film idea of the day: The Untitled mockumentary-style document of a relationship between a late 50s-early 60s Author and an 18-year old girl.
Also, Ugizar update: Remember the character in Ugizar I mentioned that claims that because of Italy's film industry, the World is fake? I have added another bizarre quirk. He is frequently seen pounding his manifestos on a typewriter he claims Jack Kerouac used, on a desk with a whole bunch of half empty perfume bottles in his underwear.

Review: Rebel Without a Cause. James Dean plays the tortured Jim Stark, a teen who comes to a new town looking for love he doesn;t get in his middle class family. Despite the stellar cast (Dean also has Natalie Wood, Sal Mineo, and a very young Dennis Hopper at his side), the film has one major flaw: It should have been shot in black and white. It was intended to be shot that way, but the producers wouldn't let the director film it that way.

Transmetropolitan. The first graphic novel to be reviewed by me in this blog. In it, Spider Jerusalem is a reporter who vents out his cynical views through his Column, I hate it Here. In the column, he goes against two corrupt presidents he names The Beast and The Smiler.

Quote of the day: Emo Phillips Blowout (courtesy of Wikiquote)

* How many people here have telekenetic powers? Raise my hand.
* I love to go down to the schoolyard and watch all the little children jump up and down and run around yelling and screaming...They don't know I'm only using blanks.
* I wanted to get from 4th street to 8th... Then I remembered Einstein postulating that parallel lines eventually meet. They're dredging my car from Lake Michigan as we speak.
* Why be prejudiced against anyone because of their race or nationality or creed... when there're so many real reasons to hate others?
* I was with this girl the other night and from the way she was responding to my skillful caresses, you would have sworn that she was conscious from the top of her head to the tag on her toes.
* New York's such a wonderful city. Although I was at the library today. The guys are very rude. I said, "I'd like a card." He says, "You have to prove you're a citizen of New York." So I stabbed him.
* Probably the toughest time in anyone's life is when you have to murder a loved one because they're the devil. Other than that, though, it's been a good day.

Site of the Day:
This page is the rantings of a man who, despite never spending time nor money on advertisements, claims his website has had over 100,000,000 visitors. Also, here are some old April Fools Day things from his site:



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