Sunday, October 02, 2005

(Originally Written July 11, 2005)

News: Not much has happened. I can’t really think of anything to talk about, so I’ll just explain my political Views until I can think of something else more interesting to write about.
*Warnng: If you are offended by my Left-Wing views, please scroll down to the Band Name of the Week. You have been Warned. *
I am against Bush and his War on Islam, I Mean, Terror. I am also not in favor of his war with Iraq, because we seem to be there for no reason. First we are there to find WMDs. Then there are no WMDs. Then we become a holdover government until they can elect a new government. They did, yet despite the regime change and lack of Nukes, we are still occupying Iraq. Why? Just admit your real agenda: To destroy the Middle East, except for Saudi Arabia, because they give you and your family more than you are given to be the President. Sure, It’s Intolerant and bigoted, but at least it’s a reason for us to stay in Iraq and Keep imprisoning people who have the wrong ancestry and/or religion, He said sarcastically. I am also against the USA PATRIOT ACT. It is all about limiting our personal freedoms so that Terrorists don’t have to. Because of it, random people can have their phone wires tapped, people can be put in foreign prisons for no other reason than they are from the middle East or Islamic, with no hope of a trial.

(To Be Continued.)

Band Name of the Week: Carey Grant’s Acid Trip. I know what you May Be thinking, “HUH?” Well, Here’s the answer. In LOOK Magazine, September 1959, He Said he took LSD when it was still legal, and found inner peace he couldn’t find with hypnotism, therapy, and other methods. For the Record, I don’t do drugs. Eccentricity: My Anti-Drug.

Film idea of the Day: I forgot to mention this categorization system I have:

Real Chicago Films- Mainstream Comedies (Like Gieef.)
Surreal Chicago Films- Extremely Bizarre Comedies
Real Montana Films- Dark, depressing, Tragedies.
Surreal Montana Films- Pure Lynchian Horror.
Derivative Works- Films based on a previous source.
Mockumentaries- Films that transcend each of the above Genres, and are formatted as documentaries.

Today’s Idea is Caedes. In this Film (Surreal Montana), After a man named Vic is beaten up, he becomes a priest and after he meets Buddy Holly (Gary Busey) and rescues him from a closet, things get bizarre. Situations include where Vic does a confessional where the confessor drinks himself to Death, and at his funeral, he recites the Latin Version of the Lyrics to “The Alice’s Restaurant Massacree”, his bath water turns to blood, A man playing the same chord progression on the guitar narrates his life, and Buddy Holly Bleeds strawberry Jam, all this leads to a Shyamalanesque conclusion.

Review of the Day- Easy Rider: After selling their car to Phil Spector, Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper ride Harley Davidson Choppers across America, and meet Jack Nicholson, as well as Take acid with 2 hookers in one of the most brilliantly filmed scenes in cinema history.

Quote of the Day- "Why can't a Democrat get fired up about protecting the environment and enacting gun control legislation just as right wing Republicans get fired up about making sure that children have access to assault weapons and banning 'The Catcher in the Rye' and 'Harry Potter'?"

__Moby. (Note: I don’t really listen to his music a lot, but I like his quote.)

Links of the Day: (Note: You need Flash to watch these movies.)

(Or if your browser can’t handle the menus, try the below site.)
PS: Thanks for all the comments that my last blog entry recieved. Just keep the sites not spam-like.



Blogger DerekAxe said...

Thank you for sending me a comment that without spam, third anonymous!

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