Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Originally Written August 28, 2005

News: An open Letter to George W. Bush.
Dear Mr. "pResident":
IF YOU CAN READ THIS, PLEASE READ AND REPLY. I have heard your reply to Cindy Sheehan, whose son died in Iraq. You told her that if we pull out of Iraq, we would be in a worse state than ever. Let's Review the facts: You first came to overthrow Saddam and find non-existent WMDs. Saddam was overthrown ("mission Accomplished": Do these words Ring a bell?) and there never were any WMDs except for the ones your Daddy Sent him before the Gulf war. You Even admitted that there were no WMDs. Then you said we needed to stay as an interim government before the Iraquis reformed. Now Talabani has taken power and he has even drawn up a constitution. What if The UK still occupied the Colonies when George Washington became president? That would, of course, suck big time. So why should we remain there? I have two reasons why you might remain there, both Equally invalid in my opinion: The first is that you want Iraq to be the 51st State of America, and the first under Martial Law, and The other reason is that you want to destroy Islam, except for your buddies in Saudi Arabia. Judging from your actions since 2001, It seems that the Latter makes much more sense. Of course, this is because after 9/11, you and your buddies in the cabinet put out the beyond unconstitutuional USA PATRIOT ACT, which allows you to destroy our rights and liberties so the people who destroyed the World Trade Centers don't have to. YOU HAVE LOST THE WAR ON TERROR. You are doing exactly what the enemy wants you to do. How do you know that Al-Quaeda dodn't just plan on doing The 9-11 attacks and wait to see what developed. How do you know Osama is just waiting for us to destroy ourselves so he doesn't have to, like in the /Twilight Zone /episode /The Monsters are Due on Maple Street/? And How is kidnapping hundreds of people just because they are of Middle Eastern Descent or Islamic and keeping them detained forever in a cuban prison going to help? And While we're on the subject how is it that you lost your first election and yet gained the presidency and abused it? In my life I have never seen a man so simultaneously Evil and Stupid, except for maybe Idi Amin. You make me sick.
Your Aspirin,
El Dirko|/|\aticque, Granddaddy of all Freaks.

Note to all: A sequel to Gieef Lives is planned for Release. I can't say much but that it will be out by Halloween with an annotation, and that it will be in the Third person, as well as featuring the film noir rejects i mentioned in the first annotation.

Band Name of the Day: Eddie Albert Ripped My Flesh. I combined the name of the Green Acres actor who died recently at 99 with part of a Frank Zappa Album's title. Of course, one can replace Eddie Albert's Name with that of somebody Equally obscure, like Kenny Delmar (aka Sen. Beauregard Claghorn, overdue Confederate Nationalist on Radio in the 1940s). I also have the idea of sequentially numbering each release with the word "Victim #" preceding it.

Film Idea of the Day: Actually a sketch Comedy show which, in many sketches, combines my surreal humor, my habit of making obscure pop culture references and juxtaposing them together, and my polotical views.
Sketches include:
* A teenage couple in bed in a meat locker, just after having sex (shown from the shoulders up only, it is a meat locker after all!) have a group of historical figures in a conga line singing Pink Floyd's Take up thy Stethoscope and Walk, and circling their bed.
* Dr. Viktor Frankenstein tries to create his monster but tries to deal with the Religious Right wing protestors picketing his castle.
* A teacher tries to deal with his unruly and unseen students (who manifest themselves via a constant drunken roar and an occasional something thrown at the blackboard.)
* A mock Commercial in which an old couple celebrate Christmas with a puppy and note "This Was our Puppy's First (BLEEEEEP)", A reference to a real Commercial except the BLEEEEEEP was replaced with "Holiday".
* NEWSPEAK PHRASEBOOK. I say a relatively short sentence and somebody else says a ridiculously long and PC version of the exact same sentence.
* A man is run over by a truck. The next day, a bulldozer stops right in front of his body and tries to sell homeowners insurance.

Review: The Dukes of Hazzard. This film is the latest in a series of films remaking long-canceled Television shows. In it, The Good Ol' Boys try to stop the strip mining of their County by Boss Hogg and Sheriff Rosco Coltrane. The Trib gave this 1/2 stars out of 4. I gave this 4 out of 5. What could have given this a 5 star rating would have been if The Rednex song "Cotton Eyed Joe", and parts by at least one of the four Blue Collar comedy guys: Larry the Cable Guy, Ron White, Larry the Cable Guy, or Bill Engvall.

Quote of the Day: "I was doomed to Hell as a Christian and a Horrendous Rebirth as a Hindu."
_________Eric Idle as Tommy Butterfly Rainbow Peace Patel in Splitting Heirs.

Site of the Day: www.venganza.org
In response to Kansas allowing Intelligent Design (aka Creationism) in public Schools, Bobby Henderson created this site where he pleads the Kansas School Board to allow talk about the Flying Spaghetti Monster, who he claims created everything and is primarily shown by a poor-quality drawing creating trees, mountains, and a midget.



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