Thursday, October 13, 2005

Originally written 12 September 2005

News: Below is an article about political Correctness written by an anonymous blogger on about political correctness with annotations by me in italics.

When you think ‘Politically Correct’, do you get images of people not using particularly inflammatory and hurtful words, or do you get images of your free speech rights being violated? The Latter.

The split, I’d say is about 80/20 (strictly non-scientific, mind you). Eighty percent of the people, including every conservative I’ve ever known or spoken with, will believe that political correctness is a form of limiting free speech 80% of people are right in this case, while twenty percent of the people, mostly (if not completely) progressive, will believe that it is a tool to keep the conversation cordial. These are the sheep.

What’s unfortunate about this is that the wingnuts are the ones who made those 80% (even the liberals) feel that there is something horribly wrong with being politically correct. The last time a country was this much on the same page, it was 1930s Germany. During the age of political correctness (the 90s), we were bludgeoned repeatedly with anecdotes and scare stories by the conservative movement to attempt to scare us into voting conservative, if only to maintain our free speech rights.

...At a time when a disabled black man in Texas was beaten by
racists then chained to a truck and dragged down a road to his death
and a gay college student in Wyoming was tied to a fence,
pistol-whipped, and left to die, we would do well to focus our
sights on big-time incivilities such as racism and homophobia.
Instead, we are diverted by willy-nilly references in stories about
road rage, or worse, by fear mongers wh//o intentionally//_//_ set
out to confuse matters.

One of the most effective scare campaigns of the late twentieth
century-political correctness on college campuses-was undertaken for
the express purpose of changing the terms of debate about civility.
The people who generated the scare did not phrase it in those terms,
mind you; they couched their alarmism in First Amendment language.
In the late 1980s conservative commentors began warning of what they
described a “the greatest threat to the First Amendment in our
history” (Rush Limbaugh), I never thought I''d Say it, but that
bloated right-wing stoner is right “the equivalent of the Nazi
brownshirt thought control movement” (Walter Williams), and “an
ideological circus as deadly as AIDS” (David Horowitz). Both are,
of course true.

[The Culture of Fear: Why Americans Are Afraid of the Wrong Things
Barry Glassner, p. 9-10]

So, when you read {Rox Populi}, {des femmes} and {Hugo Schwyzer} talk about the use of language in today’s society, you can tell where it came from. The inappropriateness of certain words as not politically correct has been demystified to the point of lunacy; to the point of making it okay to repeatedly use the word ‘p*ssy’ (even liberals), and use ‘B*tch’ as a matter of course in every day conversation.

Perhaps it’s time to resurrect PC, Aw Hell No! and make it more appropriate to the world… particularly when young, gaming boys think that ‘Gay’ is the best insult that they can throw Of course, this is because they are idiots for the most part, ‘N*gg*r’ is an appropriate word used in the reference of rap songs, and ‘C*nt, P*ssy, Wh*re, Sl*t and B*tch’ are appropriately used to sling hate at both men and women. And Don't Forget Semprini!

PC was never about telling you how you could and could not speak. It was, and still is, about learning to be civil to one another: You Say civility, you mean Banality.

I’m fond of saying at this point that the old line "Sticks and stones may break my bones But words can never hurt me." Then why not refuse to keep all non-white, non-straight, non-male, non-WASPs treated like Faberge eggs? can be said far more authentically by straight white Christian males than by anyone else! *Folks who look like me, make love like me, and believe as I do have created a language that in both formal and slang speech has few weapons to single us out, except by calling us what we are not.

[Enter v. envelop, and playing with the language

If we’re ever to take back language from those who would pervert it in an effort to hurt us, Where did I read about this before, OH YEAH.. 1984 by George Orwell. we’re going to have to stop being squeamish of PC, PC is being Squeamish of Non-PC and start educating people about what it really is. Think about it, and the next time you hear someone say ‘Oh, PC is bullshit’, remind them that it’s only bullshit if you’re white, male, straight and Christian. White, Straight, and Male, Yes. Christian, not too sure about at the moment, but I don't get angry if somebody says "Merry Christmas" to Me.

To Be Continues, but not as an annotation of a previously written article.

Band Name of the Day: The Little Cubicle that Ethics built. This Comes from an episode of The Drew Carey Show where Mr. Wick makes Drew in the running of the assistant store manager on the condition that he sabotages the competition. When Drew refuses, Wick says "Oh yes, I forgot, this is the little cubicle that ethics built."

Film Idea of the Day: Duuds on Ice. In this film, a group of extremely strange people tries to put up a musical version of The Blair Witch Project on Broadway.

Review of the Day: The Falls: For the first time in this Blog's History, I will review a film I have not seen from Start to Finish. This is because this is a 3-hour film available only in Europe about 92 victims of an 18-million-victim Pandemic called the Violet Unknown Event (or VUE), all of who's last names start with the letters FALL. The symptoms include a bird obsession often to the point of attempted flight and arrested man-bird metamorphasis, dreams of water, and a propensity for speaking in new languages.

Quote of the Day : The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results
________________________Benjamin Franklin or Albert Einstein.

Link of the day:
This is a 12-minute flash animation about a high school student's warped interpretation of To Kill a mockingbird called "How to kill a Mockingbird"



Blogger Sparks Thompson said...

*this letter to imagined in the voice of jerry seinfeld*

dear derek,
your writing is astonishing. I am very proud of you
love mom

6:44 AM  

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