Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Issue 28

News: Big Daddy: The Rebuttal.
Inspired by an article at "The Jack T. Chick Museum of Fine Art" site, I will write my own rebuttal to the Tract "Big Daddy." In the first panel, the identifiably Jewish Teacher (Let's call him Mr. Roth) asks who in his new class believes in evolution. I doubt this happens in real life, because the teachers most likely assume that the students believe. Another scene just after shows the teacher becoming very angry at the Creationist Aryan boy, who could pass for "Hitler Youth Poster boy"(Let's Call him Ken), who remains calm. In the real world, it would most likely be the Ken who is angry at the challenging of his world. The rest of the tract focuses on "Mr. Roth" unsuccessful attempts to refute "Ken". His first challenge is about how only Micro-Evolution (among 5 other kinds) has been proven by science. Needless to say, Creationism has not been proven, but in fact disproved, by scientists. Later, he mentions the many "Pre-Homo sapiens" species of human. He first tackles Lucy, whom he believes that most experts believe is merely a chimp. Actually, all scientists tend to acknowledge her human status. Then he talks about Heidelberg man, who has, according to Chick, a very human-like jaw. Its existence has not been disputed by anyone else. Next is Nebraska man, who was built up from a tooth which turned out to be from a peccary. What he doesn't mention is that it never was considered to be a human ancestor ever, and was proven to not be so 5 years after its discovery. Then comes Piltdown man, whom was created from a modern ape's jawbone. It was the British Museum, evolutionists, who disproved the piltdown man. After this come the Peking Man. Chick Claims that all evidence of the discovery has disappeared. That is only partially true; While the bones were taken sometime during world war 2, there were casts made before they were stolen, and people are still studying them today. Then the Neanderthal, whom Jack Chick claims to be from one arthritic Frenchman, come from a lot of skeletons, some with arthritis and some without. Then There's new guinea man, which Chick claims to be a disproved step in evolution, obstensively 5,000 years old. Oddly enough, he was never considered to be anything but a 5000 year old man. Then come the cro-magnons, whom Jack fails to see the difference from Homo Sapiens. Of course, they are 4% larger. Finally comes Modern Man, whom Jack only says "This genius thinks he came from a monkey." After this, "Mr. Roth" mentions that the Coccyx is vestigial. "Ken" proves him wrong with the closest thing that he comes to anger in the entire tract. While he is right, there are other vestigial organs in the human body, like the Appendix, and (for men) the nipples. Finally, "Ken" asks "Mr. Roth" what the binding force of the atom is. After "Mr. Roth" says Gluons, "Ken" says just as quickly that they are a myth, saying that they have never been seen or measured (Oddly enough, they have), and because of this, nobody knows how the atom is kept together, but the Bible. He Quotes a Bible Verse out of context to say that Jesus is the binding force of the Atom. If you are dumb enough to believe this bullshirt, then become a Hindu, because most of the 3 million gods in the Hindu pantheon have 6 arms, and even then, they would be frustrated with anything more complex than a carbon atom, and moving even further away from any sane kind of organized religion, Neil from the Young Ones could even do a better job than the pantheon, for at least 30 seconds or so in the second episode "Oil" in which he is granted 12 hands. His stopping point: one Magnesuim atom. "Mr. Roth" becomes a creationist, and quits his job. The tract ends with the students reacting to the debate and "Ken" leaping at the chance to witness to the students.

Band Name of the Day: New Guinea Man. See above for explanation.

Film idea of the Day: Anthem 2256. After a nuclear war in 2101 AD, America is taken over by Christian fundamentalists who turn it into a Christian version of Saudi Arabia. 151 years later in 2256 AJ (The Calendar is pushed back to Christ's real date of birth, so it's 2252 AD), a man discovers a Black box of 10 LPs: Back in Black, Dark Side of the Moon, Led Zeppelin IV, Rumours, Revolver, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Pet Sounds, smiley Smile, Highway 61 revisited, and Bridge over troubled Water. He, his wife, another couple, and a widower friend form a forbidden rock band. Eventually the government finds out, and they are sentenced to death by stoning. Just as the sentence is to be carried out, France invades and changes America back. The leaders wind up sentenced to death by hanging, and the band becomes a group of world heroes.

Film Review of the Day: Saved! This film is about a girl in a Christian fundamentalist environment (Jena Malone), who tries to have convert her gay boyfriend by having sex with her, and she gets pregnant, and he is not cured. As she starts to doubt her faith, her friends (played by Mandy Moore, among other people), turn against her. There is also a subplot about Moore's Brother (played by Maculay Culkin, in his return to the silver screen) trying to distance herself from his abusive sister with a relationship with Jewish bad girl, obstensively a stripper. This film will very likely be a big influence on my radio station film.

Quote of the Day: Hillary Faye (Mandy Moore): Mary, Turn away from Satan! Jesus loves you.
Mary (Jena Malone): You don't know the first thing about love.
Hillary Faye: I am filled with Christ's love!
(she throws a Bible at her)
Hillary Faye: You are just jealous of my success in the Lord!
Mary: This is not a weapon, you idiot.
______ From Saved! , the aforereviewed film. In this scene Hillary Faye tried to exorcise Mary.

Link of the Day: www.idrewthis.com
This is a webcomic about the author, an eagle, and their commentary on American society today. I previously mentioned a cartoon about intelligent falling on this blog, now, here's the entire thing. Enjoy.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Issue 27: Weird Al's Lucky number

News: My Ultimate tribute to Brian Jones.
One of my favorite guitarists, in my opinion, seems to get very little respect. He is Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones. He is praised as a bad boy and rebel, but gets very little clout as a Guitarist. In fact, while the Guitar Keith Richards played in 1964 costs $1/4 million, one of Brian's guitars, which he played at the same time sold for roughly $5000. Considering the fact that he pioneered the concept of one man performing many different instruments in a legitamate rock act, he gets surprisingly little acknowledgement. So, I ultimately plan to put on a concert of some of the classic songs he performed with the Stones. Not only do I intend have a regular rick instrument section, but also a string trio and sax trio backing me as Brian Jones truly gets his dues paid.

Band Name of the Week: The Chewing Guns- From a Snopes article about TOUNGE OF FROG.

Play Idea: Wot??!!?&:;%${}
This is a play in 25 scenes, in which a drifter known only as Schrader goes to the house of DeMinnow in Malracecia, NY just as there is a serial killer on the loose. The Plot goes all downhill from here. From scenes consisting of only the Word "Do", to an extended scene of Schrader and The DeMinnow son stoned and the latter misenterpreting a scene from "The Notebook" as a vision from God revealing a fundemental Truth: "God Hates Lamp." Not Lamps, not the Lamp, or A lamp, but Lamp.

Movie Review: Inherit the Wind. This is the film based on the Aforementioned Scopes Trial, but fictionalising the trial to fit the attention spans of the average theatregoing audience. It is remarkably faithful to the play and Gene Kelly's, Dick York's, Frederic March's, and Spencer Tracy's performances are all very compelling. Also, I reccomend that anyone who can somehow find a copy of the complete Weird Al Show do so, whether you know somebody who somehow decided to tape the entire series, Find a copy. It is very funny!!!!!!

Quote of the Day: "Ye gods!" (Note: This quote would not have been even close to as memorable as it is had it not been spoken in a slightly Proto-Valley Girl accent.)
________Susan Luckeey, The Music Man. (You never heard of her before? Me neither.)

Link of the Day: The Brian Jones Trip.
This is a web-shrine to the Aforementioned Brian Jones.

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Thursday, January 05, 2006

Issue 26

Note: First off, I'd like to apologise for not updating in a while. With the Holidays, and getting sick on new Year's eve, who has time?

News: Jack Thompson.
Normally, I wouldn't make video games a more or less focal topic of an article, but today I will. Jack Thompson is a lawyer from Florida. Recently, he got nationwide attention for exploiting a new mod in the New Grand Theft Auto game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, which allows the protagonist to have sex with a woman. In a game which is built around stealing a car and killing hundreds of innocent people, he is worried about an addition that allows sex. I don't play video games at all, but I do know there is something very wrong about a society up in arms about sexual content in a video game and almost silent about the violence that outnumbers the sex greatly. He once asked the makers on San Andreas to create a game in which a father of a murder victim goes on a rampage against the gaming industry. Oddly enough, He claims that video games are not the only reason for violence. He also blames the Quran, which he claims to have a lot of references that tell the reader to kill innocent people, which may be true, but not as much as the Bible, which frequently has God telling his chosen people to sack entire towns and leave nothing alive. Another Video Game that has attracted his ire is The Sims 2. He is angry because of the fact that it shows characters nude, albeit blurred, and that a mod removes the blur, which reveals... Nothing. For more on him read his wikipedia article.

Band NAme of the Day: Self-Brainwashed. Recently, when watching the film Raisin in the Sun, I saw one character being referred to by her mother as "The only person to successfully brainwash herself."

Film Idea of the Day: Subplot to the film in Issue 24: As he puts the writer of the letter under his wing, he ends up revealing that he once "got a girl in trouble" and the parents killed her because of that, so he is implicated in a murder trial.

Review of the Day: The Second Graphic Novel to be reviewed by this blog: St. Swithin's Day. It is out of print, so it may not be available in many places. Grant Morrison spins this tale of a boy trying to shoot then-PM Margaret Thatcher. It starts off as he shoplifts a Copy of Catcher in the Rye and the Complete Rimbaud. After doing this, he decides to go to London to Shoot Thatcher. After visiting a Cathedral, having Lunch with his girlfriend, who is all too enthusiastic about the idea, Dancing in front of Karl Marx's Grave, he decides to do it, but ultimately does it with his finger. He believes it was worth it just to see her scared. The Story closes as he goes back on a train.

Quote of the Day: "I'd like to call him a sadistic, necrophiliac hippophile, but that'd be like beating a dead horse"
____________Woody Allen

New Tract: The Chaplain- A Soldier manages to Save another soldier spiritually and physically. An Army Chaplain tries to dissuade him and after both ride on a land mine, they are judged. The Chaplian is damned, the other soldier is not.

Link of the Day: THe New link for Animutation Wiki: http://wiki.animutationportal.com/index.php/Animutations_List

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