Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Issue 27: Weird Al's Lucky number

News: My Ultimate tribute to Brian Jones.
One of my favorite guitarists, in my opinion, seems to get very little respect. He is Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones. He is praised as a bad boy and rebel, but gets very little clout as a Guitarist. In fact, while the Guitar Keith Richards played in 1964 costs $1/4 million, one of Brian's guitars, which he played at the same time sold for roughly $5000. Considering the fact that he pioneered the concept of one man performing many different instruments in a legitamate rock act, he gets surprisingly little acknowledgement. So, I ultimately plan to put on a concert of some of the classic songs he performed with the Stones. Not only do I intend have a regular rick instrument section, but also a string trio and sax trio backing me as Brian Jones truly gets his dues paid.

Band Name of the Week: The Chewing Guns- From a Snopes article about TOUNGE OF FROG.

Play Idea: Wot??!!?&:;%${}
This is a play in 25 scenes, in which a drifter known only as Schrader goes to the house of DeMinnow in Malracecia, NY just as there is a serial killer on the loose. The Plot goes all downhill from here. From scenes consisting of only the Word "Do", to an extended scene of Schrader and The DeMinnow son stoned and the latter misenterpreting a scene from "The Notebook" as a vision from God revealing a fundemental Truth: "God Hates Lamp." Not Lamps, not the Lamp, or A lamp, but Lamp.

Movie Review: Inherit the Wind. This is the film based on the Aforementioned Scopes Trial, but fictionalising the trial to fit the attention spans of the average theatregoing audience. It is remarkably faithful to the play and Gene Kelly's, Dick York's, Frederic March's, and Spencer Tracy's performances are all very compelling. Also, I reccomend that anyone who can somehow find a copy of the complete Weird Al Show do so, whether you know somebody who somehow decided to tape the entire series, Find a copy. It is very funny!!!!!!

Quote of the Day: "Ye gods!" (Note: This quote would not have been even close to as memorable as it is had it not been spoken in a slightly Proto-Valley Girl accent.)
________Susan Luckeey, The Music Man. (You never heard of her before? Me neither.)

Link of the Day: The Brian Jones Trip.
This is a web-shrine to the Aforementioned Brian Jones.

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