Issue 23
After listening to my Western Civilisation teacher comparing The religious right's pro-creationism crusade to the crusades in the 11th-13th Centuries, I decided to write my next column about Creationism. In short, some people are claiming that The account taught in Genesis 1-2 (2 conflicting accounts), should be taught in public schools. Now, I don't care if you teach it in your home, or church, or private school, but, if our tax dollars are used to teach something a significant number of people believe is incorrect, as fact, there is something very wrong, and in addition, this violates the idea of Separation of Church and State which I laid out in a previous issue, because this benefits only The Fundementalists who believe the Bible is infallible and literally true, essentially violating the 1st Amendment. They try to side-step this problem by changing the name to "Intelligent Design". Some people are claiming that Evolution has not been proven as a theory, but of course Creationism only has a book with two different stories about it. Another thing that Creationists use to support their ideas is a story by a woman calling herself Lady Hope who claimed that she met Charles Darwin on his deathbed and saw him reading the Book of Hebrews and recanting his ideas of Evolution (which Galileo had actuially done) and asking her to gather Children so he could talk about Christ to them. This story has been debunked as an urban legend by his family and his contempt for Christianity which is visible in his Autobiography. Oddly enough, all signs point to Evolution. Of course, the idea of the Earth revolving around the sun is also a theory, but it also is one supported by science, and refuted by the Bible. I cannot end this spiel without a mention of the 1925 Scopes Trial. In this, which was re-imagined as Inherit the Wind, by the people who brought us Auntie Mame, Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee. In it, a twentysomething Tennessee substitute teacher named Scopes was arrested for teaching Evolution under the newly-passed Butler Act. This act eventually attracted the attention of longtime presidential candidate William Jennings Bryant, on the prosecution and Attourney Clarence Darrow, direct from the Leopold and Loeb trial, on the defense. After 7 sweltering days in the Courtroom, Darrow asked Bryant to the stand and reduced Bryant to a walking bundle of contradictions by asking religious questions, and Bryant eventually won, and died a few days. But, The #1 reason I'm against Creationism is because the grade school I went to endorsed this idea almost as much as anti-abortionism.
Film Idea: Ohio Girl. In 1970, A fashion magazine photographer photographs a girl on the street which becomes one of the most popular photographs of all time. Not based on a true story. Note: I intend this photo of Jackie Kennedy to be the model for the photo in the film
Film Review: The Wiz. This is a Blaxploitation version of The Wizard of Oz. I must say that for the original being good only for synching up with Pink Floyd, This Version is surprisingly Good.
Quote of the Day: Keeping with the Intelligent Design Theme, I have included a quote from Inherit the Wind.
"God created man in his own Image, and man, being a gentleman, returned the compliment."
Link of the Day:
The site where I got the list of tracts I used for my Tract Reviews.
Tract Review: The Final Edition, in which I list the tracts I can't find online.
Breakthrough!- (A super-rare promotional tract urging the use of Wordless Gospels in Africa and New Guinea.) No copyright, but probably early 1970s. Return address is a Chino P.O. box, but called the International Gospel Literature Foundation.
Don't Read That Book!- (Satan doesn't want you to read 10 chapters a day of the Bible. Later included in the book "The Next Step.")
Four Brothers - (Four brothers attend a 1930's Revival meeting as children and accept Jesus. Each one is given a guardian angel to watch over them. But as the years pass, each falls from the grace of God and their angel leaves. Will any of the angels still be employed by the time the brothers are reunited in Heaven? Again, the crude style of later Chick art, and interestingly, the children have angels even before they surrender to Jesus - I guess after they accept Jesus the angels are just supposed to watch them closer. FG (Faceless God) appears at the end.)- From the SubgeniusSpice collection
Hit Parade (The prophets of doom and the last days are recounted.)
Kings of the East- (Anti-communist tract. The yellow menace is examined from a Biblical viewpoint.)
Kiss India Goodbye - (A super rare promotional tract urging the use of Chick tracts to reach the Indians before it becomes a Communist country.)
Last Missionary, The - (A tract aimed at getting missionaries to distribute more Chick tracts! Even after YOU are dead, this tract may bring someone to Jesus. If Commies can use cartoons to sway the minds of men, so can YOU!)
Losing The Old Zippp?- (A super rare promotional tract showing the effectiveness of passing out tracts.)
Lost Continent, The - (A super rare promotional tract discussing the threat of communism in South America.)
Macho- (Communist revolutionaries take over an embassy and confront a Christian man who warns them about Catholicism.)
Operation "Somebody Cares"-(A Super rare promotional tract urging the use of Chick tracts to spread the Gospel before Communist riots decimate the US.)
Poor Revolutionist, The - (Similar to "Fat Cats", revolutionary plots lead to hell- especially for commies.)
Pssssssst! Isn't it time??- (A super rare promotional tract pushing Why No Revival, This Was Your Life, and The Last Call.)
That Old Devil- Reveals one truth the devil wants kept secret...the blood of Jesus saves!
What's Your Score? (A super rare promotional tract showing the effectiveness of passing out tracts.)
Who Are They Gonna Remember?- (Another tract promoting Chick tracts.)
Wicked Magistrate, The- (A rare tract that featured an ancient Korean character on the front cover along with a Chinese looking title.)
Wounded Children- (Explains how a young kid can be turned into a homo by uncaring parents. But Jesus saves him in the end (of the story)
You Are About To See... - (Rare promo for the premier of Chick's 2003 film, Light of the World.)
I can predict that these are just as ridiculous as the ones I did find and review on the web.
Labels: Creationism, Religious Right, Tract Reviews