Sunday, April 30, 2006

Issue 37

Tue 25 April 2006, 5:39 am ET

by Th. Person M. Huston

WASHINGTON (REUTERS)- There is a new bill making its way through congress which could, If passed, change the entire second half of the Pledge of allegiance. The author of the bill is Sen. Red Ling Saj (I-MA). Saj refused to comment, but a source close to her claimed that Saj "Wanted to show some truths to our children they need to know." Whether or not the changes support or are against what the changes to the pledge the source declined to say. If Passed, The revised Pledge of allegiance would read: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, two nations, one under JEE-ZUS!, and the other under science, clearly divided, with liberty and justice for a select few." Any and all congresspersons asked about this bill declined to speak of it.

Band Name: Savior God Scientific Allah. A name of a young boy who became famous recently after jumping out of a window, although with his name, I am surprised he wasn't well known sooner.

FILM IDEA: Tabula Rusum: Anything and Everything. This film is the story of a man in twelve parts, who walks into a city without any past, and commiting antisocial acts while trying to remember his past. This film has been compared with the Bourne Identity to those who already know, although Tabula Rusum primarily concentrates on the former.

Film review: Trading Mom. Famous for having Andre the Giant's last film appearance, this surprisingly funny film shows three children trading in their mom for three replacements, all played by the same woman (Spacey Spacek), while fighting off a Rooney-like principal who wants them put on foster care when he thinks that the children live alone. Andre plays both a circus giant and the youngest child.

Quote: "Hi, I'm Wilfred Brimley, and I have diabetes. It hurts me to pee, and it causes me to be short with my family. I can't sleep at night. The other day, I stubbed my toe and took it out on the dog. And two weeks ago, I ran out of vanilla ice cream and struck my wife. Then I find out my wife's been dead for six years. Who the hell did I hit?"
________Wilford Brimley, Family guy presents: Stewie Griffin: The untold Story."

Link of the Day: A wiki for Niel Cicierega focusing on his musical career.

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Friday, April 14, 2006

Issue 36

News: Oswald alone? I doubt it.
November 22, 1963. A day which will live in infamy. Just before 12:30 PM (Central time), The president was killed. Later that day, a man named Oswald was arrested in connection with these events. A few days later another man killed the assassin. But was the version we are told to believe actually true? I believe that there were a number of factors which helped contribute to the assassination, mostly coming from the government. One major thing was the fact that the person who had the most to gain was LBJ, because he would wind up with the presidency, and it was known that he was going to be dropped from the vice-presidential ballot in the next election. Another thing to note was that even in 1963, we had troops in Vietnam, although we were only there for a police action at that point, and Kennedy intended to get the USA out of Vietnam starting 1965, before it became the atrocity it eventually did become. Johnson, however, escalated US conflict in Vietnam by the time Kennedy had intended to bring the boys home. Of course, there is also one other thing to note: Jack ruby, the assassin's assassin, worked for the FBI for several years as an informant. My take on Oswald's assassination was that the Secret Service decided to kill Oswald to ensure that Oswald would not blab the conspiracy to the public, in their signature combination of Ruthless Psychopathy and Calculating Precision. But on to the actual incident. At the scene of the crime, there was a bullet which was the only one claimed to be found at the crime scene with virtually no sign of having been shot (blood, human tissue, thread) except it had been slightly bent. I wouldn't be surprised if Oswald was an assassin, but not the only one. But of course, I could be wrong. Maybe the bullet did go in through Kennedy's throat, and change direction and go into Conolly's Shoulder.

Band Name: Oombaoojiebaseo (See for more information. )

Film idea of the day: A film which is part narrative of the life of a civil servant in the government, part conspiracy theory. The former definitely not based on a true story.

Film Review of the day: The Thrill of it All. Another Jewison (his third film reviewed here) Classic starring Doris Day and James Garner. In it, Doris plays a housewife who tells the story about how a brand of soap got her daughter clean during a dinner with the executive of the company who created it, and winds up doing a commercial and becoming their company's spokeswoman, while her doctor husband counsels a pregnant woman during that same period of time. During this time, the husband gets jealous of his wife making more money, even filling their pool (which they gain through the course of the movie) with soap suds in anger, but they ultimately make up when they both have to deliver the pregnant woman's baby. Normally, I don't find Doris Day's movies to be truly worthy of review here, but this one is so funny that I just had to write.

Quote of the Day: "My name is beverly Boyer and I'm a pig."
________ Doris Day, The Thrill of it All. (From her first commercial in the film.)

Link of the Day: A site which effectively mirrors my abortion views.


Sunday, April 02, 2006

Issue 35

In case you didn't know, the previous post was an april Fool's Day joke.

News: Pat Robertson.
We all know that name. He has hosted The 700 Club for years, and has once ran for Republican presidential nominee, hoping to break the wall of separation between Church and state. Let's take a look back at some of his more controversial claims. On at least three occasions, there were hurricanes headed for his studio, and each time he claims that his prayer got the hurricane out of their direction and just last year he claimed that he was responsible for the two vacancies in the Supreme court after a 21-day prayer campaign. One particularly shocking quote came from Jerry Falwell on his show, wherein he said that pagans, feminists, abortionists, homosexuals, the ACLU, and other entities like that helped bring the World Trade Reichstag, I mean, Centre towers down. Robertson agreed on the appearance, aired 3 short days after the towers fell. Falwell claimed his remarks were taken out of context (which they weren't), and Robertson claimed that he wasn't really listening (which he probably was). On another program, he claimed that he supported China's one child policy, with its mandated abortions, which shows his hypocricy when one remembers that fundementalist Christians are always "Pro Life". One other particularly notable remark last year showed him calling for the assassination of Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela, which had even more people against him, and he apologized two days later on his show, although he did reaffirm his original statement on the February 2nd, 2006 edition of Hannity and Colmes. Later, he addressed the citizens of Dover, Pennsylvania, which fired 7 councilmembers who supported bringing "Intelligent Design" into science classrooms (and it isn't even science), by saying that they rejected god because of their firings and hoped that their town was laid waste in a disaster. Unlike other statements, he did not apologize for this one. In January of this year, he claimed that Ariel Sharon's stoke was punishment by God for his pulling out of the Gaza Strip. Of Course, maybe his age of 80 or so had something to do with it. His remarks ensured that he was excluded from a project for a Pilgrimage site in Israel, and he apologized to Sharon's son a week later after he heard the news, but the fallout still surrounds him to this day. One final remark of note, which was just spoken two weeks ago was that he reviewed a book about 101 Liberal Professors in America, and he claimed that those 101 are just the tip of the iceberg and claimed that there are over 30-40,000 Liberal Professors in America's Colleges which, as he claims, are all murderers, Deviants, and AL-Qaeda Supporters, playing on a surprisingly common assumption in fundementalist Christianity, which is most likely present in some sects of most religions, that all people who aren't fundementalist Christians are evil. There are probably more controversial statements coming from Pat, but there's not enough room here, so I'll move on to my band names section.

Band Name of the Day: Grunzor. I wish I knew where this name came from, but I guess it popped into my head.

Film Idea of the Day: A film adaption of Wise Blood done in a similar fashion to my Catcher in the Rye screenplay. Wise Blood is Reviewed Below.

Film Review of the Day: Wise Blood. It is based on the novel by Flannery O'Connor about the career of a Religious Nihilistic fanatic named Hazel Motes who goes about creating the Church of Christ without Christ. The plot alone interested me, the cinematography was very striking, and Motes (played by Brad "P-P-p-please don't tell my mother" Dourif) seems to be worthy of helping influence the portrayal of Holden Caulfield in my future miniseries of The Catcher in the Rye. One would be very fortunate to find a copy at this time, but there isn't a DVD or even VHS issue out at the moment.

Quote of the Day: "Cursed is he who fills the Body of Christ with Barvarian Creme."
________________Pat Robertson, SNL January 2006.

Link of the Day: A pro-choice activist counter-protests a demonstration of Pro-Life activists with the Sign "Psa. 137:9"

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Saturday, April 01, 2006

ishew 35

itza sheim that bsh kant get 4 MORE YEERZ becuz of tha twentee2 amendment da constitushenz a bish but sinz i kant vote 4 bush in de O8 elekshen, i remembr a mna who rann in de oo elekshin by tha name o pat byukanin who hopez to increze r sivil librtez wif de patriot akt lolz he sed on seeenen tht kanada wuz relly cald sovit kanuksta omg i nevr nu dat all r mapz r rong i hop bukannn fixz dat wen he iz an offiz lol buk hnn fr king
if i kannt get bukn to run, den i pik pat robrtsn hez lyk a god 4 changn de root of all da hurrikanz and shown de peepl dat liberulz n da femnsts n da aborshnstz n d aclu joind 2gethr 2 do nine11 on hiz sho he wl alsz kil chavez n bring pees to d middl eest n maybeevn brake da barrr o chrch n st8 s we kn heer d wrd v gd in da clasrms agen
itz a shame dat da conztitushen cant allo peepl frum forin kontrisz 2 run becus if it wood id pik orli blum hez a grate aktr lolz legolz iz da bom so iz pars but not da city 4 da frensh r smely evilshnst munkyz n so iz wil trnr lolz i wana go to se de prtz of de caribn ii film ded manz xhest omg derz a seeqel in de works aftr ths 2b rlszd in 07? i mst find it and finly meet orli at da sett brb
hakd by a 12yo twitt rolfmaoimho:)
