Issue 37
Tue 25 April 2006, 5:39 am ET
by Th. Person M. Huston
WASHINGTON (REUTERS)- There is a new bill making its way through congress which could, If passed, change the entire second half of the Pledge of allegiance. The author of the bill is Sen. Red Ling Saj (I-MA). Saj refused to comment, but a source close to her claimed that Saj "Wanted to show some truths to our children they need to know." Whether or not the changes support or are against what the changes to the pledge the source declined to say. If Passed, The revised Pledge of allegiance would read: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, two nations, one under JEE-ZUS!, and the other under science, clearly divided, with liberty and justice for a select few." Any and all congresspersons asked about this bill declined to speak of it.
Band Name: Savior God Scientific Allah. A name of a young boy who became famous recently after jumping out of a window, although with his name, I am surprised he wasn't well known sooner.
FILM IDEA: Tabula Rusum: Anything and Everything. This film is the story of a man in twelve parts, who walks into a city without any past, and commiting antisocial acts while trying to remember his past. This film has been compared with the Bourne Identity to those who already know, although Tabula Rusum primarily concentrates on the former.
Film review: Trading Mom. Famous for having Andre the Giant's last film appearance, this surprisingly funny film shows three children trading in their mom for three replacements, all played by the same woman (Spacey Spacek), while fighting off a Rooney-like principal who wants them put on foster care when he thinks that the children live alone. Andre plays both a circus giant and the youngest child.
Quote: "Hi, I'm Wilfred Brimley, and I have diabetes. It hurts me to pee, and it causes me to be short with my family. I can't sleep at night. The other day, I stubbed my toe and took it out on the dog. And two weeks ago, I ran out of vanilla ice cream and struck my wife. Then I find out my wife's been dead for six years. Who the hell did I hit?"
________Wilford Brimley, Family guy presents: Stewie Griffin: The untold Story."
Link of the Day: A wiki for Niel Cicierega focusing on his musical career.
Tue 25 April 2006, 5:39 am ET
by Th. Person M. Huston
WASHINGTON (REUTERS)- There is a new bill making its way through congress which could, If passed, change the entire second half of the Pledge of allegiance. The author of the bill is Sen. Red Ling Saj (I-MA). Saj refused to comment, but a source close to her claimed that Saj "Wanted to show some truths to our children they need to know." Whether or not the changes support or are against what the changes to the pledge the source declined to say. If Passed, The revised Pledge of allegiance would read: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, two nations, one under JEE-ZUS!, and the other under science, clearly divided, with liberty and justice for a select few." Any and all congresspersons asked about this bill declined to speak of it.
Band Name: Savior God Scientific Allah. A name of a young boy who became famous recently after jumping out of a window, although with his name, I am surprised he wasn't well known sooner.
FILM IDEA: Tabula Rusum: Anything and Everything. This film is the story of a man in twelve parts, who walks into a city without any past, and commiting antisocial acts while trying to remember his past. This film has been compared with the Bourne Identity to those who already know, although Tabula Rusum primarily concentrates on the former.
Film review: Trading Mom. Famous for having Andre the Giant's last film appearance, this surprisingly funny film shows three children trading in their mom for three replacements, all played by the same woman (Spacey Spacek), while fighting off a Rooney-like principal who wants them put on foster care when he thinks that the children live alone. Andre plays both a circus giant and the youngest child.
Quote: "Hi, I'm Wilfred Brimley, and I have diabetes. It hurts me to pee, and it causes me to be short with my family. I can't sleep at night. The other day, I stubbed my toe and took it out on the dog. And two weeks ago, I ran out of vanilla ice cream and struck my wife. Then I find out my wife's been dead for six years. Who the hell did I hit?"
________Wilford Brimley, Family guy presents: Stewie Griffin: The untold Story."
Link of the Day: A wiki for Niel Cicierega focusing on his musical career.
Labels: Fake News, Religious Right