Saturday, October 14, 2006

Issue 55

News: Roger Waters: Dark Side of the Moon.
Recently, I went to the Tweeter Center in Tinley Park (OK, it's now the first Midwest bank ampitheatre), where I had gone four years previous where I had seen The Who perform and Roger missed an entire verse of "Love Reign O'er Me". This time, I had gone to see Roger Waters perform with his new backing band (which included Nick Mason on some stops, this not being one of them). Fortunately, unlike the previous time, we managed to get seats inside the actual ampitheatre, which did not really do much for the rain which got all over my set/guitar list which I write up for every single rock concert to which I go. Anyway, the concert started with In the Flesh, which seems a natural choice to start his concerts with, seeing as he's named two tours, one solo, one Pink Floyd, after it. His use of the song may inspire me to use a somewhat similar song in terms of content, wildly different in terms of style, I've Got a Little list/As some Day it May happen (From the Mikado) to start concerts, relegating Psycho Killer to second (As soon as I can figure out the chords). The next song, Mother, was not one I recognized at first, but I ultimately did. The set's next song was "Set the Controls for the heart of the sun", which I did recognize from FLoyd's second album, and one of the last songs to feature Syd on Guitar, followed by another song used as a tribute to Syd, "Shine on You Crazy Diamond 1-5". This led to him performing two more songs from Wish You Were here: "Have A Cigar" and the title track. This set of songs was followed by four more songs I didn't recognize until I managed to Wikipedia his tour and found their titles "Southampton Dock", "The Fletcher Memorial Home", "Perfect Sense 1 and 2", and "Leaving Beirut". The only comment I have is for the last song, which was performed with the audience less critical of the song than when the tour started. The first set ended with the song "Sheep", which climaxed in the release of the ubiquitous Pink Floyd Pig with slogans like "Impeach Bush Now" and "Kafka Rules OK." Mentioning that, I wonder what became of the pig? Did somebody in the road crew fish it out for the next tour stop in Indianapolis or did some old couple in Tinley park watch in confusion as a deflated pig fell on their front lawns? With this said, we will go to the second half of the concert.
The second half of the concert was the entire album The Dark Side of the Moon. The album was played in sequence with the voices and sound effects which pop up all over the album, with all of "Speak to Me" and "On the Run" performed solely on the PA. The encore had five songs: "The Happiest Days of our Lives", "Another Brick in the Wall Part 2", "Vera", "Bring the Boys Back Home", and "Comfortably Numb". The only things of note are that the voices that trailed the second song were heard after the fourth, and that the guitarists all managed to mimic Gilmour's Immortal solos on "Comfortably Numb" very well.

Band Name of the Day: The Bald Sopranists. Name comes from the Ionesco play of the same name.

Film Idea of the Day: A boy wanting an extra ice cream cone on his birthday makes up a boy for writing on an Ice Cream store's birthday registry. Ultimately, the draft board finds out about this and tries to ask the boy and the friend he created to register. When the friend does not register, he is arrested for his murder. Will he prove his friend never existed or will he be executed?

Film Review of the Day: God Said Ha. This film shows Julia Sweeney reminiscing about her experiences with her dysfunctional family, and her (and her brother's) struggles with cancer. I had heard about this when I was listening to old episodes of "This American Life" on the web and heard her speaking about her struggles about religion. The only flaw was that she decided to mention that she was a member of PeTA, which we should all know of my views thereof.

Quote of the Day: "It is possible to make the Bible to say whatever we want it to."
________Minister Rob Bell on what may be the only truth about the Bible.

Link of the Day:' official catalogue of creationist claims and how to debunk them.



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