Sunday, October 01, 2006

Issue 54

News: Scientific Errors in the Bible.
Before I get to this week's spiel, I have two things to mention which have nothing to do with the things : 1) Today marks the one-year anniversary of the first time I posted one of my articles on this blog. 2)I went to see Roger Waters of Pink Floyd on his solo tour at Tinley Park last friday. It was an excellent concert and I should try to post a review of it in Issue 55. With these things said, let us talk about the subject at hand.
I was recently cruising to see if Jack and Co. had released some new wacked out comics since my last visit and I noticed this article . If you don't have time to read it, it's about how the fine people at claimed to have torn the Koran to shreds due to it having one scientific error. What the authors seem not to notice is that the Bible contains more scientific errors than one can shake a stick at. I won't go on at length about the veracity of Adam and Eve or the Deluge, as I have spoke about that issues ago. The only problem with the deluge which I haven't mentioned was that the Ark was over 450 feet long. One major problem was that this is approximately 120 feet longer than the longest wooden ship ever verified to be built, the schooner Wyoming. Even at the length of 330 feet, it had steel girders supporting it, and it had to be pumped from the first minute it went to water to the minute it finally sank. Judging by the results of that, if it really did exist, it was most likely impressive on land, but would sink like a stone the minute it came into water. Two other innacuracies can be studied in a legend where NASA scientists (in a legend that predates even NASA) notice that there was a missing 24 hours in the universe which were accounted for with two biblical passages (Joshua 10:12-3, and 2 Kings 20:8-11, both KJV, since it's the only Bible the people at Chick Publications trust) which either mention the Sun staying still or the sun moving back a few degrees. Unfortunately, the prevailing scientific knowledge is that the Earth revolves around the sun, and not vice versa. Naturally, there's Leviticus 11, which has a whole mess fo scientific inaccuracies (like rabbits chewing their cud, bats being birds, and insects having four legs.) Another strange scientific error, in Job 39:13-7 and Lamentations 4:3, God claims that Ostriches leave their eggs to die after laying them. In reality, they're more careful with their eggs than most animals, caring for their chicks until they are one month old and can keep up with the adults. Even if they were as bad parents as God says they are, whose fault would it be then? There's seven errors mentioned and even more to be found.

Band Name of the Day: Kafka rules ok. It was on the pig at the Roger Waters concert which has yet to be reviewed.

Film idea of the Day: It is not as much of a film idea as it is for a rifftrax (link below) style site for commentary for Brady Bunch episodes. The commentaries have all the jokes you've always (most likely) been tempted to make about the series, and a reference to Absinthe is guaranteed in every commentary or your money back.

Film Review of the Day: No film review this time, although I must say that I have gotten into Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado recently. I reccomend listening to any recording of the opera, as long as it's unabridged, and its discs are evenly divided by act (DVDs are exempt from this qualification), while following the dialogue with a copy of the libretto (which I bought in Door County a few months ago), and if your copy has no dialogue (which most audio recordings don't), pause in between tracks to read the dialogue.

Quote of the Day: A lot of people say to me, "Why did you kill Christ?" I dunno... it was one of those parties that got out of hand, you know?
__________Lenny Bruce.

Link of the Day: The link that inspired my film idea section.



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