Thursday, June 05, 2008

Issue 122

News: Obama Wins!
As long as I had some idea as to what Democrats would be running to finally get Bush out of the White House, I knew who I would be the perfect man for the Job: Barack Obama. Even though Dennis Kucinich may be closer to my views, I always knew that at least Obama had a chance. This was confirmed when I finally went voting for the first time on Super Tuesday of this year, and the choices were effectively between Hilary and Obama. I voted for Obama, as you may have guessed by now, and I certainly intend to do so again in November. I'm surprised that the Clinton/Obama rivalry lasted this long, but surprisingly, Obama only clinched the nomination a few days ago. However, it has taken a few days, but despite the way her speech after announcing Obama's victory seemed, she is, in fact, finally conceding. According to an MSNBC article, confirmed by Clinton's aides, she is, in fact, finally dropping out. She has finally admitted defeat after claiming that the nomination belongs to her due her claim to have the popular vote, which is disputed, especially with one primary in Michigan claiming to have no votes whatsoever for Obama. Now if only Ron Paul finally concedes, despite losing the nomination to McCain (no doubt due to having Dubya's blessing).

Band Name of the Day: Shingami Eyes. The band name today came from a plot device in the anime Death Note, allowing for people to find the names of total strangers.

Film Idea of the Day: An Americanized version of Death Note, adapted into a miniseries, with the setting changed from Japan to Chicago.

Film Review of the Day: Blazing Saddles. Due to my not having a film to otherwise review, and also due to Harvey Korman's recent passing, I have decided to review this movie. It is, in fact, one of my favorite comedies of all time. Indeed, I can see many similarities between my style of comedy that I incorporate in my writing with Mel's style, even more so than in many of his other movies, the fact that my type of comedy is often darker than Mel's notwithstanding. As a matter of fact, even with the obvious anachronisms, I cannot think of anything in the movie that could or should be improved upon, which is something rare for me.

Quote of the Day: "My Shower's seen me naked... what's it Telling the toaster?"

Link of the Day: TVTropes: identifying all the literary and cinematic tropes you can imagine, and even naming them.



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