Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Wery Important Message

You may have noticed that I have been updating my blog much less recently than usual, updating twice a month instead of thrice a month, as I did earlier. However, I have an explanation: I have been attached to do the Big-screen Live Action adaptation of 1990s TV series Captain Planet. To get a good idea of what to expect, here's the gist of it: The film begins with a 10 minute sequence set to Funkadelic's "Maggot Brain", with the poem at the beginning set to an entirely black screen. The rest of that section of the film is a montage intercutting scenes of pollution, the awakening of earth-spirit Gaia, and the lives of the Future planeteers while they get the rings. It is important to note that in the original series, while the other four planeteers, (Ma-Ti, Linka, Kwame, and Gi) are all known to have been interested in environmentalism before, Wheeler is one who was chosen for his short temper. This sets the stage for the rest of the film, where it is revealed that, even for the simplistic template of the original series, it is important to note that here, Wheeler's dark side is so complex that he makes most any of the crimefighters from Watchmen seem One-dimensional. I won't go into the specifics of the movie, but I will say that Wheeler often abuses his power of fire, undergoes an addiction to the power of "Heart", and he actually does end up with Linka, with the climax including a scene which mirrors the last shot of Fight Club, with them kissing while a building behind them burns. The film ends with the Planeteers pleading with the audience to help save the world before they make a sequel.


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