Friday, December 12, 2008

Issue 136

News: Thoughts on The Republic Sit-in.
As I'm sure you know, the economy has been going into such a huge nosedive that even Free-Market guru Allan Greenspan has been admitting that there was something wrong with his free-market ideology all along. One big thing that's been going on related to this that interests me both as a Chicagoan and a Left-winger was the sit-in at the Republic Window and Door Company. The company, as it turned out, was going to go under as a result of the financial crisis, and they were going to go under a week ago. However, after being abruptly fired without any sort of pay to tide them over until they got a new job, which is illegal on several levels. Instead of taking this treatment lying down, many of these workers actually decided to stage a sit-in until they get paid for their loss. So far, there has not been any progress, but I can only say that I hope that they get their demands, and that the workers actually get something for their hard work in the long run, instead of simply getting the boot, and if their sit-in ends up working and they can actually get compensated, I hope that businesses will end up working to ensure that this sort of thing doesn't happen again.

Band Name of the Day: Death to the Monster. From Jack Chick's "Fairy Tales."

Film Idea of the Day: I'm sure that Rod Blagojevich's recent scandal would make an amazing movie, and I'm sure that as soon as everything's resolved, somebody will make a movie of it whol will be more interested in political thrillers than I am.

Film Review of the Day: Roman Holiday. I have recently watched this movie, and I have to say that it was pretty good, and I think that it would probably work well if combined (in the most bizarre way possible) with Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and I know that until I bring it into a polished vision, I may be the only person who will be able to see exactly how the two would work.

Quote of the Day: "There never is a real difference between ancient history and current events. There are only variations; The theme is always the same."
__________________Hubert Selby Jr.

Link of the Day: Johnathan (sic) Christian Webster III. That is All.

Yup, I've been swamped in paperwork for three weeks, and This is the best I can come up with.



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