Thursday, December 17, 2009

Issue 161

News: We're back, and with the stupidest plan in existence.
Well, I've been having a lot of problems lately that prevented me from updating, ranging from my laptop breaking down to my need to study for my final in Genetics and write two final papers totalling 12 pages in the space of about a week. But now that classes are over, and my laptop has been both repaired and replaced, I come bearing tidings of a new blog entry.
On Atop the Fourth Wall, one of the shows on That Guy With The Glasses, the host Linkara sometimes lists the stupidest plans that have ever been featured in comics on the show. Plans like making twin clones of Adolf Hitler, a plot to elect Nightcrawler as the pope with each twist in the plot being 31 different flavors of "This cannot work," and a plot to take over the Mafia by rigging high school track meets. However, on one of my forums (Not Newspeak Dictionary, because I got banned after one of the mods went beserk and I disagreed with him), somebody shared an email advertising what is probably the stupidest plan I've ever seen. Are you ready? Here goes. As it turns out, you're supposed to send a CHRISTMAS card (yes, apparently CHRISTMAS is supposed to be in allcaps) to the ACLU, which will apparently stop their operations dead in their tracks, and their plan to take away CHRISTMAS will be stopped. We will ignore the fact that odds are, the ACLU will not give a damn about whether anybody sends them Christmas cards, and get to their underlying belief in the War on Christmas. Let me be entirely blunt; The "War on Christmas" is entirely one-sided. Most secular Americans, myself included, do not care whether you greet us with "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas," or even "Io Saturnalia!" It is the conservative Christians who are really waging a war on the phrase "Happy Holidays." They seem to think it's some sort of inclusive holiday greeting that acknowledges other religions (and yes, they think it's a bad thing) and taking the Christ out of Christmas (and, of course, Christmas is really just a continuation of the Roman celebration of Saturnalia, and many Yuletide traditions, from gift-giving to Santa's hat, are taken from it), but in reality, even if one doesn't count the holidays that other religions celebrate around this time, there's virtually no other time of year in which so many holidays are celebrated around the same time. Look at the current holiday season; it begins with Thanksgiving and ends around the New Year, and traditionally, it even extended as far as January 7 (Twelve Days of Christmas, anyone?).

Film Idea of the Day: The Reverend. A seminary dropout ends up becoming a mafia hitman.

Film Review of the Day: American Splendor. Well, I'm kind of interested in Indie comics and Robert Crumb in particular, so I decided to watch this movie, especially considering that Dr. Venture played Crumb, although I haven't actually read any of the actual American Splendor Comics. However, as it turned out, even though Crumb has about ten minutes of screen time, I was actually interested in the movie, particularly by the mix between animation, live-action, and documentary (Pekar, his wife, and his nerdy friend are played by both a fictional actor and the actual person.) And although Pekar's voice does get particularly grating, it does compel me to try to find, and hopefully read the actual comics.

Quote of the Day: "Ordinary life is pretty complex stuff. "
________Harvey Pekar

Link of the Day: That Guy With the Glasses Site.



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