Sunday, April 15, 2007

Issue 76

News: Six Million is an Understatement II: Electric Boogaloo.
I'm sorry for not writing last week, but I was busy recovering from a big chest cold. Anyway, I am going to write about something which shocked me in the news. I wasn't sure whether it was true or false or not due to its date being so close to April Fool's day, but I read a repost of a story from the online edition of The Daily Mail on the Newspeak Dictionary forums, that, in England, more and more schools are dropping teaching history lessons Holocaust (one of the most crucial events of the last 100 years). Apparently, the reasoning behind this is that England's growing Muslim population is being taught in mosques that it didn't happen (which is complete and utter bull to the point where it makes creationism seem plausible). As some of you readers know, I loathe political correctness, and the fact that it allows the truth to be covered up just to pander to the sensibilities to a few people, viz a case like this. In addition to failing to cover the Holocaust, other events like the Crusades have also not been taught. I must say here that, gortunately, this in no way seems to apply to American schools, and that my history teacher didn't fail to talk about either the Crusades (surprisingly for a Catholic school, not lionizing the crusades) or The Holocaust (his grandfather apparently went undercover in Auschwitz) in great detail.

Band NAme of the Day: The MegaMinis: See Film idea below.

Film Idea of the Day: American Band. This film idea is based around the idea of a nationally televised battle of the bands. Most of the film will take place in the Cook County preliminaries for said contest, and will center around the Niles Township representative American Band: The MegaMinis. After a seemingly disastrous performance of the first band, wherein the singer's voice suddenly became Tom Waitsish, its manager goes ballistic and begins to ensure that they win, by ruining the performances of the other bands (lethally and otherwise) , but the MegaMinis uncover the plan and put an end to it.

Film Review of the Day: Catch-22. I saw this film recently and found it very interesting: A darkly comedic examination of a pilot who tries to pass for insane to get out of flying missions, and his fellow soldiers, like Maj. Major M. Major (Yes, all four names are really "Major") . My favorite scene is one between a 107-year old man who owns a brothel and claims that Italy will always be because it always loses wars, and Lt. Nately (played by Art Garfunkel in an early role). A quote from said scene is reproduced below.

Quote of the Day: Nate Nately: "You Talk Like a madman."
Old Man: "But I live like a sane one."
___from Catch-22

Link of the Day: AMV Hell: a collection of short films consisting entirely of short skits and songs mixed with Anime.



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