Monday, July 23, 2007

Issue 89

News: Harry Potter banned by somebody who doesn't know what she's talking about.
This has been a momentous week for Harry Potter. The fifth film and the last novel have finally been released within a few days of each other. As usual, I got the book at Costco at around noon to avoid the long lines at midnight, and went to see the movie a week or so after it opened. With this in mind, here's another story about a religious fanatic who is trying to ban the books. One mother of four in Georgia is trying to have them banned because keeping them in School libraries violates the principles of Church-state separation because they "promote witchcraft", specifically Wicca. She also claims that the books promote "blood sacrifice"(apparently when the evil Lord Voldemort gets resurrected in Book 4) and teach kids magic spells (which don't work in the real world. For instance, say to somebody "Avada Kedavra" to see if they die; Odds are, they won't die, they'll probably be just confused or they'll laugh at the reference). As I have stated before, what I've seen about Wicca and Harry Potter's Witchcraft are very different things, to the point where the only similarities include the use of "witchcraft." Curiously, the woman has not even read the books which she is trying to ban, citing that she would find it "hypocritical", and that she doesn't even have the time to read them. Of course, she does have time to try her cases through her school, her school board, her state board of education, and her county superior court. She hasn't been successful yet, but she seems to think that she can actually get her way through the supreme court.

Band Name of the Day: The Manschlayers. Inspired by a bizarre essay by a Fundamentalist who equates Homosexuality with "The slaughter of men", or more accurately masculinity, based on the erroneous stereotype of the "nancy-boy" homosexual.

Film Idea of the Day: Nothing this week.

Film Review of the Day: The Godfather trilogy: I just bought the DVD of the trilogy and decuded to review them. The first film was certainly one of the better films I've seen, especially in the first half hour. However, the second film does not live up to its reputation as better than the first film. Of course, the third film, as has been expected through reviews, pales in comparison to the first two. The three films deserve to be seen as a unified whole rather than as three different films, like in the Godfather Saga TV movie, which hasn't been released on DVD, although the films and additional scenes added for the compilation.

Quote of the Day: "Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."
____________________The Principal in Billy Madison. It states my views on the aforementioned article.

Link of the Day: My New favorite timewaster: Tetris.

Note: I am going on a vacation for a few weeks, so this will probably be my last entry for a while. I won't have much of a chance to be on computer during the vacation, so I probably may not be able to write another blog entry for a while.



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